Chapter 2- Interuptions

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A few moments later, Ginny returned with Luna and her mother to get her ready. Hermione's hair was in loose waves over her strapless wedding dress. She didn't know it, but this was the prettiest she had ever looked. As she stared into the mirror at her appearance, she couldn't help wondering who she was doing this for. Herself? Ginny? Ron? She did want to make him happy. She wanted everyone to be happy. She decided she shouldn't dwell on it.

Mrs Weasley's eyes welled up with tears. Ginny and Luna were smirking knowingly, pleased with their work. "You're all grown up dear!" she wept. All happy tears though. Hermione smiled. The girls could tell that it didn't reach her eyes but didn't say anything. Molly was too busy crying her eyes out.

"Alright," Hermione said. "Let's get this show on the road."


Hermione stood in the entrance of the chapel doors, waiting for the right time to enter. Her dad sidled up to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. After the war was over, she brought her parents memories back. She promised herself she wouldn't forget them or let them forget her. He gave her a knowing smile and kissed her hand. She was nervous. Like, really nervous. But that's normal for a bride on her wedding day, right? she thought.

She strained her ears to listen to the idle chatter outside the door. Suddenly it all went quiet. She gulped. This was her cue. She put on a blank face and took her father's arm. She wondered if she could do this. But there was no backing out now.

Her father pushed open the church door and the music began to play. Hermione tried to look happy, maybe even excited. There was Harry and Ginny in the front row. All the Weasleys, her mother and a few friends from Hogwarts as well as some of her muggle friends in the rest of the seats. She glanced around at anything she could besides her fiancé. The guests, the piano, the floor, her dad. But eventually her eyes reached him. He had that crooked grin of his and looked very awkward and nervous in his tux. But there was something else, excitement? Probably. Hermione dismissed it. She wanted to get this over and done with.

She had finally reached the end of the long walk to the arch. She took Ron's hands and looked into his eyes. Those eyes would be hers in a few moments. The music stopped playing. The priest turned to Ron. He asked him all the normal questions, "for rich or poor", "to have and to hold", and all the other things. It felt like a year before he finished. Just as he was about to say those two words, there was the sound of someone running in high heels and slamming into doors.

And who burst through the doors? None other than Lavender Brown.

"Don't you dare say those words Ronald Weasley!" she screamed. "You pitiful oaf!" She turned to Hermione, calming slightly.

"This so called 'man' has cheated on you many times. And I'm one of the victims."



Oooo cliffhanger! Sorry for such a short first chapter. This is my apology. Thanks so much for voting! I will have another chapter up soon!


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