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Emma was leaving the station later than normal. She and Regina had gotten in their first fight as a couple and Emma had decided to give the mayor some space. Things had been going great but both women were stubborn and wanted things a certain way. In this case it came to their son. Emma had decided to let him stay up late eating junk food while Regina had been at a town meeting. When she got home at 10 Henry was sick and crabby. She'd told Emma time and time again that not everyone had iron stomach like she did but Emma refused to listen.

"I'm home." Emma calls entering the mansion.

"Emma!?" Regina exclaims when Emma comes into the kitchen. "Where were you? I called you three times!"

"I stayed to do some big deal." Emma was still a little pissed about their fight. She felt like Regina had been patronizing her and Emma hated that.

"You should have called." Regina whispers, pouring a glass of wine. "I...I didn't think you were coming back." Emma gives herself a mental facepalm. She hadn't meant to make Regina feel that way. Emma sighs and comes up behind Regina, wrapping her arms around her waist.

"I'm sorry." Emma kisses the mayor's cheek. "But, babe, you know I'll never leave you. Even if I'm pissed."

"Don't call me babe." Regina wrinkles her nose in disapproval which Emma finds adorable. "But, I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to be so pushy, I just hate it when Henry gets sick. If I can avoid I do which is why he doesn't get a lot of junk food. I'm not trying to be a dictator." Emma winces, remembering how she'd called Regina that during their spat.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. You know how I am when I'm mad." Emma apologizes. Regina nods, indicating that all is forgiven. "Let's have some wine and forget our stupid fight. I'll be more careful with how Henry and I bond as long as you try to remember I'm new at this." Regina chuckles.

"Deal." The mayor answers. She spins in Emma's arms and kisses her lips. "But you owe me a foot rub for scaring me when you were late." Emma laughs this time as Regina slips away. She had everything she could ever want. Maybe fate was on her side for once.


The next morning Regina is awakened by two little hands shaking her, A now toddler sized Henry is at her bedside. He must have a had a growth spirt overnight.

"Mommy I want eggfast!" He tells her. Despite her sleepiness she chuckles.

"It's breakfast, honey." She corrects. She lifts him up and places him next to her on the bed. "Let's cuddle for a few minutes." Henry nods and curls himself into her side. She glances at the clock and sees that it's just barely 6:00 am. She sighs. Little Henry had been an early riser the first time around, some things must never change. She had learned that he would almost alway fall back to sleep if she let him sleep in her bed with her. Sure enough, when she looks down he's snoring softly. She closes her eyes but doesn't fall back to sleep. She suddenly has the feeling that someone is watching her.

"Emma." She quietly calls. "What is it?"

"I couldn't sleep." The blonde admits. "Ever since...well you know...I have a had a hard time getting to sleep."

Regina knows exactly how the blond is feeling. Regina should know better, but she motions for Emma to join her and Henry. Emma doesn't think twice before crawling into the bed. Before they know it the three of them are peacefully sleeping, getting better sleep than ever since the break up. Even if Regina was a blanket hog and even if Emma snore, they slept best next to each other.

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