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The first time Emma experience death was when she was thirteen. The foster family she was in lost an aunt or something. Emma had never met this woman, but she was forced into going to the funeral. Aunt Bea had died of a heart attack while on vacation in the Bahamas. Emma predicted that the only reason Mr. and Mrs. Cahill were going to the funeral was because the wanted a portion of Aunt Bea's fortune.

The funeral home was full of people in black. Mrs. Cahill had explained to Emma that black was the color of death. People wore when they were in mourning. Emma couldn't help but notice that Mr. Cahill wore black all the time, but she decided not to comment.

"Thirteen million dollars." Mr. Cahill whispers as they sit in the pews.

"We could buy a new house." Mrs. Cahill smiles. "Emma, what do you think? A house in Spain?"

"I-I'd come with you?" Emma asks in surprise. Mrs. Cahill puts her arm around Emma's shoulders.

"Of course you would."

When the funeral is over and the walk up to the casket, Emma grows terrified. Aunt Bea looked like she was made of plastic. The air from Emma's lungs seems very limited and she feels like she's going to pass out. She's hyperventilating. The rest of the people at the funeral stare at her. Mr. Cahill pulls her out, lecturing her for making a scene.

The Cahills didn't get the money. Whether or not it was Emma's fault didn't matter. She was relocated a week later, but she didn't care. Everytime she looked at Mrs. Cahill she saw the face of the dead Aunt Bea. It was almost a relief to leave. Sure it was a little disappointing that the Cahills wouldn't be her family, but she'd find one someday. Emma knew it deep down that one day her happy ending would arrive and it would be better than she could ever imagine.


Both Snow and Regina had slipped into a depressed-like mood. Neither of them had gotten out of bed or eaten in the two day since Cora's death. Charming had been begging Emma to come see her mother. He calls her twice a day.

"I'm a little busy taking care of Regina." Emma hisses into the phone. "Or did you forget that Snow killed her mother?"

"Emma...Regina won't retaliate right?" Charming asks in terror.

"Retaliate!?" Emma exclaims. "She's hardly moved! And if she did decide she wanted revenge I can't say I'd blame her."

"Emma! This is your mother's life we are talking about here." Charming reminds her, growing angry.

"And Regina's." Emma's icy voice replies. "Speaking of which I need to go check on her." Without another word she hangs up and throws the phone down harshly onto the table.

Henry looks up from his homework. He tries to give Emma a sad smile but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. Henry had never seen Regina like this. His mother had always had such a strong facade. Seeing her broken was terrifying.

Emma makes her way upstairs and into the master bedroom. She places the cup of hot tea on the bedside table for Regina. The mayor slowly opens her red, puffy eyes, and looks up at Emma. Emma's heart hurts to see Regina so vulnerable. This was her Regina, the one who was always so strong and who was always Emma's rock. The table had turned and Emma was afraid she'd let Regina down. She had to be strong now. She had to be there for Regina.

"Hey." Emma smiles. "I brought you some tea." Regina sits up and thanks Emma. It pleases Emma when Regina drinks the tea, at least she was getting something in her system.

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