Pray for Japan, pray for Paris
And for Mexico-
But what about pray for the world,
Or simply for us as the generation
That still has to live through
The prejudice and discrimination?
We are in a world where
People can kill their own kind
Without hesitation
While the rest of us
Just fight for our own lives
Because guns, bombs, and knives
Are the only things that we know
That can help us survive-
To keep us alive and
Away from the enemies...
The enemies that have done
No wrong-
But that is all our eyes see
For we continuously believe
The blinding lies that we see
On the tv about
The basic stereotypes and how
The only news we truly do
Hype about is
The new iPhone taking flight.
Now, let me take a moment
To refresh everyone's memory
And restate what the great
Martin Luther King Jr. Once said,
"I have a dream that one day...
Right there in Alabama,
Little black boys and
Little black girls
Will be able to join hands with
Little white boys and
Little white girls as
Sisters and brothers".
Now don't get me wrong,
For I thank MLK for his works
Even to this day, but
What I have to say extends
This message astray from
The limits of just racism;
For I, too, have a dream
That one day we will finally
Reach the peace that has been
Fought for for years,
That religion, opinion,
And race will be respected
And time and space will
Continue its pace without the lives
Of innocents being taken
Out of this place.
I have hope for the world,
That we will live passed the violence,
That we will learn to
Accept the past and to forgive
The ones who don't know how
To let go of their burdens
So that we can carry and spread
A love that will forever last.
So pray for us,
For we are the world.