Emo Music(Kev and E only)

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"KRISK! LISTEN TO THIS!!" E held out and ear bud, staring at her sister expectantly. Kev looked pretty squeamish, pushing the swivel seat away from the others hand. "I'd rather not. I don't exactly like most of the songs that make up the category of Emo music." She stated as she read The 5th Wave for the eighteenth time.

"I don't listen to emo musi-"

"Why dafuq you lyin? Why you always lyin? MmmmmMMMMmmm oh my god. Stop fuckin lyin."

E stared at her older by five seconds twin, outraged  "I'M NOT EMO!" She shouted and Kev laughed as she finished the first Zombie section,E never liked being called what she was. "Of course~." Kev purred in a way that said "yes you are, yes you fucking are."

E huffed and threw a book at Kev, which the other easily deflected using her sorcerer magic and put back in the book shelve so Sky wouldn't shout at them for making a mess.

Kev glared at her, smirking slightly. "Really, throwing things?"

E got up from her chair and stomped out of the room, leaving the smaller but older twin alone as she read her book.
Only seconds later a box to flew out of the room heading towards Kev

Kev didn't even flinch, only calmly looked up from her book and stopped the box before it hit her and gently set it on the the coffee table, which was around four feet away. Then she went back

E stormed back into the lounge after failing at being able to attack Kev, which she had never done before due to the others amazing reaction time and magic. That and her odd sixth sense.

"Just listen to it." She sighed and the other glanced at her before looking back down.

"I'd rather not."


"Yesterday, I said for you to piss off, so I'll just not do it."

"You're making my shouting sad."

"Well damn Ellie, I can't change the fact that I don't wanna listen to it."

E kicked the chair she had been sitting in earlier, wincing when she dumbly stubbed her toes due to the stupid idea, and stomped out of the room.

Kev calmly went back to her book for three calm and quiet minutes.

Only to glare at the wall in front when the large Bluetooth speakers blasted So What by Three Days Grace throughout the household.

Kev got up from her swivel seat, eerily calm, and walked into the kitchen, where E was grinning triumphantly from the seat behind the counter while yelling," So, do you like the song?!"

Kev then grabbed E's phone from the counter, and crushed it. The music immediately stopped completely.

Glass and plastic shards fell to the kitchen floor. The palm of the shorter's was covered in cuts where glass had cut her, some of the glass was still lodged in it too. Kev picked out the shards of glass, and washed the cuts so they wouldn't get infected. Then she covered her hand in bandages and picked up the bloody broken phone and threw it in the trash. Kev wiped her hands on the jacket of the shocked E.

"I do not listen to emo music, and you can't force me. Ellie Swiss Writer."

E continued to stare at the pile of trash that used to be her phone. Kev calmly returned to her room, to the book she had been calmly reading.

The apartment was silent.

Except for the confused squeaks E was emitting, which quietly echoed around the household.

Well that was until Kev broke the silence by shouting, "The theme for this chapter: Don't try to make Kev do something she doesn't want to do, and E don't suddenly change my book to a laptop in the middle of the chapter. It pisses me and me off."

All because of my edits there are 666 words. You're welcome I've made this book hell. Again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2016 ⏰

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