Growing up in my house was a roller coaster. Having three sisters and two brothers who seemed to be fighting everyday sucked, but the worst part of living in that house, or what I used to call it 'my own personal hell', had to be my mother. She always found a way to ruin my day, whether it being a snide comment or a slap in a face. I never thought I would thank her for the things she did to me. The constant screaming, hitting, fighting, ridicule, etc.. But what I didn't know was that all of her bullshit was preparing me- preparing me for what was to come, or should I say who.
My mom being a single parent with five kids is hard and we never really had a lot of money, which means I have never had my own room. The house we have now is the biggest one we have ever had, but only because my mom has a new boyfriend and we moved into his house. It has four rooms, but he uses one of them for his gym which pisses me off. I'm the oldest out of the six, which I love and hate at the same time. All the girls share a room and all the boys share a room, that's how it's always been. I wouldn't mind sharing my room with my sisters if they were closer to my age, sharing a room with an eight year old (Bella), a six year old (Zoe), and a five year old (Logan) is not the ideal situation I want. I would rather share my room with the boys they are older (Dylan, 15 and Casey, 13) and surprisingly much more organized then the little girls.
And I don't talk about my dad.
no name
Randomi wrote this for fun and dont really excpect anyone to read it... if you do, thank you and if you enjoy it, thanks :) im kinda just writing as i go along and when i fell inspired. Read about Scarlett and Eric if you wantttttt