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2 months had passed since the girls had talked and Lauren was determined to find a way to communicate with her best friend

As she paced around her room she stopped in her tracks at the sight of her desk

A letter.

Quickly, the young girl scrambled to her desk and grabbed the necessities for writing a letter

Dear Camz,

I'm sorry we haven't talked in a while, I've been grounded and it feels like it's been forever since I last heard your voice.

Life here is hell without you. God I miss you so much. It's like I'm homesick, but you're my home. I won't feel better until I'm with you again.

I hope you don't hate me for not talking to you for so long. It's just been so hard to not be mad at my parents, they took me away from you.

But I will come back for you.

I love you.

- Lauren

As Lauren set her pen down, she re-read the letter over and over again. It wasn't her finest work of course but she didn't know how to put what she was feeling down on to paper.

Placing it in an envelope and doing all the necessities of mailing a letter, Lauren prayed that the young girl would respond.


3 days later Camila's mother handed her the letter

The young girl cried tears of joy, she was so happy that Lauren had found a way to communicate with her again

She soon got together her stationary and started writing back to the other girl

Dear Lauren,

I miss you too, so much. High school is weird, especially without you. Everything is weird without you.

This whole writing each other letters is kind of beautiful when you think about it, like in The Notebook, except you actually sent the letter.

I'm glad you wrote to me, it's been hard not talking to you.

Speaking of which, why are you grounded? My mom explained it a bit to me but I want to hear your side. And please do what you have to to get un-grounded.

- Camila

Not a second after putting her own down, Camila put the letter in an envelope and ran out to the mailbox


"Mija why are you so smiley?" Sinu questioned her daughter when she walked back into the house from mailing the letter

"The letter" Camila quickly answered

Sinu smiled "what did Lauren say?"

"Just that she misses me and she's sorry for not being able to call" the young girl explained

"Well that was nice of her" the older woman commented "would you like me to stop by the store and pick you up some more stationary and stamps?"

"That would be great mami" Camila smiled "I think we'll be writing letters for a while" she laughed

"I take it Lauren doesn't plan on getting ungrounded?"

"You know how stubborn she can be" the young girl giggled "she always sticks to things she's passionate about, and right now she really believes that what her parents did was wrong"

Sinu frowned "do you think what they did was wrong?"

Camila's smile faltered a bit "I can't say" she whispered "I miss her, but there's nothing I can do"

Sinu smiled sadly at her daughter before embracing her in a hug

"Things will get better mija, don't worry"



I apologize, this is a short chapter. But I wanted to introduce the letter idea in a short chapter and then do something different

I'm also very sorry for not updating in a while, I had my first mid terms and that was quite stressful.

- Jordan

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