Part 1 - Album Release Party

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I looked into the mirror as my small soft hands ran down my short, white, dress. My hair hung down over my shoulders, with wide tight curls as it sat in my hair. It was the release party for my new album, and I was so nervous. So many questions ran through my mind.

Would people like the new music? How many people are showing up? Will something mess up?

I sighed and took a deep breath, trying to push those thoughts away. A slim, tall body approached behind me. It was only Nick. He wore a white suit to match me.

"You look beautiful baby." His long arms wrapped around my small waist and I pulled a bright smile on my face.

"Thank you, but it's nothing to much, it's just a simple look." I turned around, wrapping my arms around his neck. I rested my head on his chest like a small child. Nick grabbed my hips gently and kissed my head.

"Well simple makes you look like an angel." He said. I looked up at him and kissed his chin. Nick was a tall guy, even wearing high heels, I still looked short.

"Come on, let's head out or we'll be late." Nick grabbed my hand and walked me out the room while I followed his foot steps.

~~ 30 minutes later ~~

I sat on a chair that was on a stage where the DJ booth was. Nick was helping out the DJ, helping him with songs and when they were going to be played at certain times. People started to walk in once Nick finished with the DJ. When the DJ noticed the people, he started to play My House by Flo Rida. It got the people pumped a bit.

"How you doing boo?" Nick asked as he walked over to me. He leaned down and placed his lips on my lips, pecking my lips.

"I'm feeling fine, I'm just excited" I stood up and grabbed Nicks hand. Nick sat down on the chair and I sat onto his lap. I watched people walk in the big room and saw one person that caught my eye.

"RITA!" I yelled and jumped up from Nicks lap, hopping off the stage, and running to her. Her arms opened wide and I jumped into her arms, hugging her tightly. I told Rita about the party. When I told her about it, we haven't seen each other for months. She said she could try to come to the party but it probably wouldn't happen. So when I saw her, it was the best surprise I could've gotten that day.

"I had to come support my best friend!" Rita said in her sweet British accent. I laughed at her comment.

"I'm so glad that you came! I missed you so much!" I replied and grabbed her shoulders, smiling. Rita laughed and kissed my cheek.

"I know! And I missed you too. Invite me to the stage when the party starts but for now, I'll be saying hi to people so wait with your boo." I nodded at her comment. She walked over to the area where the bar was. I walked back to the stage and to Nick, sitting back down on his lap.

"I'm guessing Rita came?" Nick said, chuckling softly as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I placed my hands on his chest and giggled.

"Yeah, so now that put me in a wonderful mood!" I kissed Nicks cheek and smiled. Nick blushed lightly.

"Alright, let's have to producers up on stage! Because it's time to hear Iggy's new album!" The DJ yelled into the microphone as tons of guys and Rita walked onto the stage.

~~ 1 hour later ~~

Me and Nick finally got home. The night got so crazy that one of my high heels broke, but that definitely didn't stop me from having a great time at the party. But I had a blast, and so did Nick. Speaking of Nick, we both ran to the bedroom once we got home.

"Faster Iggy! Faster!" Nick ran into the room and took his coat off, throwing to the side. I ran in the room and jumped onto him, making him fall back onto the bed. We both laughed once Nick fell.

"I'm here!" I unbuttoned his top and began to passionately kiss him, our lips moving together. His hand explored my body, ending up on my butt. His hands gripped it and I let out a soft, quiet moan. Nick always knew I was sensitive on my butt. All the sudden, the phone rang and the dogs started to bark.

"Ugh.." I sighed and got off Nick, walking to the phone and picking it up. When I answered it, I heard a deep voice.

"Hey, is this Iggy azalea?" The voice asked.

"You're speaking to her." I replied in a strong but yet confused voice.

"Um yeah hey, this is drake. Are you busy at the moment? I wanted to talk to you about maybe making a song together" Drake replied. My heart stopped for a moment. I couldn't believe this, the one and only drake is asking me to be in his song? I must be dreaming or be intoxicated.

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