Chapter 4

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Gajeel/spike's POV
I hear a door open. I thought there is no doors around me in the library. I look to where I thought I heard the door open. I see a girl maybe around my age with blond hair to about her shoulders and brown eyes. Girly is wearing a bunny tank top with shorts with bunnies on it. Then her scent hits me. It's the dragon slayer we have been looking for.

Bunny girl looks shocked and closes the part of the wall she opened. I run to the wall she was. I find a latch on the side of a book shelf. I press it and the wall opens up. I smell the air. I run towards her scent. I try to make as little sound as possible. I listen to hear Bunny Girl's footsteps; they are fast, but not that far away. The sent stops at a door. When I push the door, I'm in a hallway. I follow the girl's sent to a room. The room stinks of another. Trickery girl trying to mess with your sent. Hopefully Bunny Girl knows a dragon like a good chase. Continuing to follow the scent,I'm walking to a closet. I see Bunny Girl and wrap my arms around her.

"Gotcha now Girly." I say in her ear and laugh. Her whole body stiffens. She turns around and punches me, but I don't do any thing. Bunny Girl looks surprised. She then raises her leg behind her and kicks where the sun don't shine. You cheated, I thought. I fall to the ground in pain. God that hurt.

When I recover she's no where in sight. Danm it Girly. I follow her scent to the window in the room. And it's partly open. She transformed. (A dragon slayer has three forms: human, half human and dragon{pretty much just a human with wings, scales, a tail, claws, or horns} , and a dragon.)This just got more fun.

Lucy/Bunny Girl's POV
I fly to my room. I brake open my window and open it. I fly in to my room, land, and transform into my human from. On my vanity, I see a perfume that smells more than a normal one. I spray it all over my room and out side my window and close all the blinds to my room. Once that is done, I see a piece of paper on the floor by my door. The seal on the paper was Makarov's. All it said was "come to the throne room once you've retuned to your room." I'm scared. I dress in a semi formal dress quickly and walk to the throne room. Makarov and Erza are in the room. They both look sad. I wonder why.

"Ah Lucy there you are." Makarov says. "I have some news to tell you. Your father for the last year was feeling ill and the doctors told him that he had a couple years to live. Sadly, when he was traveling. He died. I'm sorry to tell you this. King Jude have me this to give to you." He handed me a rolled up paper with my father's seal.

"Is that all?" I said almost in tears.

"Yes." I ran back to my room. I change my outfit to something comfy and lay in my my bed. Tears just continually fell. Not wanting to be seen by anyone, I jumped out of my window and landed on the ground. The forest was calling my name. I ran to it. Not caring how hard or far I ran I continued to run. I stopped to catch my breath and I found a rock to sit on.

Natsu's POV
"King Jude is dead and the rumored heir is the princess. It is said she loves books, is kind, weak, and the only heir. Levy was a supposedly the princess's best friend," said Sting. He sat down at the round table. Every one is here except Gajeel. When I say everyone, I mean the leaders of the Ormr empire. We are all Dragon Slayers. We are having our weekly meetings. I never pay attention to the meetings.

"Natsu. I want you to patrol the south border, Sting with the east, Rogue at the north, and I will take the west border." Laxus says "Wendy I want you to patrol the capital. The meeting has ended." Everyone goes their separate ways. I walk out of the castle and transform into my half dragon form. It's already dark outside.

The meeting was interesting. The Ormrs have wanted to take over the Celestial Kingdom for awhile. They have held their ground when we fight them. Most countries just fall to our feet.

I stretch my wings and fly to the southern boarder. The patrols are just to make sure the boarder patrol are doing their jobs. The trip is quick but going along the boarder takes forever. I mentally groan. A cry breaks the silence in the air. I fly to it. I land and go back to human form. A girl with blond hair has her back to me.

"Are you alright?" I say. She looks up scared and shakes her head. I come to her slowly. Igneel always taught me to comfort some one when they cry.

"Can I sit by you?" I say calmly. She nods slowly. I sit by her. Her scent hits me like a train. She smells so good. Almost makes my mouth water. She smells like strawberry and a hint of vanilla. I wipe away the tear the just escaped her eye.

She leans her head on my shoulder. I rub circles on her back to calm her. She slowly starts to calm down.

"Do you mind telling me your name?"

"Lucy," she says.

"Okay Luigi do you want to tell me why you were crying?"

"It's Lucy. I can't tell you why I'm crying.I'm sorry, but I can't right now." She seems now calm. I try to move towards her. She quickly pull me into a hug. Her head was on my shoulder. I didn't want to move one bit. The hug was bone crushing. Wow she doesn't look as strong as she seems. We are in that position for awhile.

"I should get going," she finally says. She releases me. She starts walking away and she turns her head a bit. Lucy's right hand comes up and she waves. She has a tattoo or mark on her hand that I can't make out. I shrugged it off. One second she's there and the next she's not. Weird.

I finish and patrol. When I get back, I walk into the bar at the castle. I sit on one of the many tables. I order fire pasta, drink, and chicken. I smile at the food.

"You have a big smile on your face Nastu ," Mira says. Instead of responding, I keep eating.

"I've only seen that smile when Laxus found me," she keep on talking. We call her "the demon match maker." She will pair one person up to someone, make them date,and fantasize them with kids.

"Where's your mate?" I ask trying to change the topic. My mate is a touchy subject to me. When I found out it wasn't Lisanna, I was depressed, but to make my self feel better I thought there is a person who is destined to be with me. I have to find her in the next year or two or my inner beast will takeover and destroy everything until I find her, I lose my powers which I don't plan on doing, or I lose my mind. There are many other things that could happen. Safe to say I plan on finding her when Dragon Mating season comes around the corner.

"Laxus is still on patrol. I hope he will come back soon." I finish my food and stand up.

"Don't make too much noise tonight. I actually like to have some sleep." After I say that, Mira's face has s blush on it. Let's just say my wing of the castle and hers are close sand I have above average hearing so I can hear them. I smile and walk to my wing of the castle. My room is at the far end of the wing. When I'm in my room it's messy and happy is nowhere in sight. that's wired he said he was going to fish and come back. Oh well. I take off my clothes the put on my pajamas. My pajamas are just a pair of boxers. I lay in my bed and all I can think about is Lucy.
I hope this doesn't have any mistakes just tell me if it dose

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