Chapter 1- Crossing Paths

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“Please tell me you’re joking,” I said aloud to Chris and Luke as they carried a past out Rodger through the air. Rodger’s body swayed a slightly forcing his ear length golden hair shift from one side to the other side. Chris shot his eyes up to meet mine while pulling a grin onto his face.

“Don’t worry, he isn’t going to remember anything, including that we were the ones who did it to him,” Chris assured me. I couldn’t help but smile at the idea of what the two of them had planned for poor Rodger. I quickly shook the thought from my mind.

“I know that he won’t remember,” I said while leaning causally against the doorframe they had just walked out of, my arms crossed over my chest as I did so. “However, that doesn’t mean it’s not mean as hell.” Did I care that it was mean? No, not really. I would have been the one carrying the arms of a pasted out guy in a heartbeat if it would not have been Rodger. Rodger is my younger sister’s boyfriend. No matter how much I hated the thought of any guy touching my sister, Rodger was one of the few I could handle her dating. He wasn’t a complete ass like Chris, Luke, or me.

Luke and Chris both stopped dead in their tracks and jerked their eyes to gaze at me. Luke was in such shock of my words that he actually released Rodger’s legs and gravity took the drunken guy’s lower half to the ground. Chris kept his grip on Rodger’s wrists as he stared at me. The silence that wrapped itself in the hall we stood in lasted for a few moments longer while their minds tried to process my words. I could practically see Luke’s mind smoking from the over utilization of his under used brain; it’s a shocker he even has one. His hazel eyes showed his pure confusion as he ran his skinny pale fingers through his short light brown hair.

“Mean, Brent?” He asked me dumbly. I shoved myself from the doorframe and walked over towards them.

“Yup,” I replied while popping the ‘p’ on the word. “I bet you would be pissed if it were you.”

“You’re afraid of Sophia, aren’t you?” Chris said in a mocking voice. A new smirk started to form at his lips. I was tempted to smack the back of his head with my palm, but then he would probably drop Rodger, so I reframed. I meet his gaze; his muddy brown eyes danced with amusement.

“That’s not at all why I don’t want to put Rodger in the Victoria Secret’s display window with panties and shit on. I don’t want to because it is immature and stupid.” It would be so funny though… Why couldn’t some other guy have passed out?

“Get his legs, Luke,” Chris instructed him. “Little Brent here is just scared of his baby sister.” Luke reached down to pick up the gangly legs that belonged to Rodger. They started their walk out to Chris’s white Toyota Tundra again. “Ya coming, Cross?” Chris yelled out over his shoulder to me. My dark blue eyes rolled in irritation and my tan hand made its way to my short messy black hair. After running it through my mind once or twice and letting my hand brush through my hair I decided.

“Yeah,” I answered as I started to catch up to them.

It’s funny how much that one choice that destiny allowed me to pick changed my life. How it forced my path to cross…hers. Would it have made a difference if I said no and let them go alone? I could have stopped them. I could have avoided all of these just by telling them to drop Rodger and go home. Damn it. But of course, I never knew just how much that one thing would change everything.


“Can you pick this?” Luke asked as he tried desperately to pop the lock on the door open with a bobby pin. Chris had some lying about in his truck from that whore of his, Trixy. The name even sounds like a slut’s. Her hair always required bobby pins apparently, though I don’t see why it couldn’t stand on its own with all that hairspray in it. I shoved him out of my way while yanking the wire from his hand.

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