Barely made it out alive...

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Pokémon: Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky:

Aftermath of the Monster House. The outlaw hasn't been taken down but it was stunned with a Stun Seed so obviously it's unable to move until one of us attacks it.

As you can my partner nearly lost it there. I was lucky with Protect.

Still... God... That was terrible.

So now I'll just skip a whole load of turns until my partner heals since so many Oran Berries were used.

Hang in there Flarenia, because we have absolutely no healing items.

Flarenia: B-but... We have one Reviver Seed-

Absolutely nothing that can save us right now!

Flarenia: But the Reviver Seed-

Is reserved for emergencies!

Flarenia: This IS an emergency-

Just hang in there!

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