Chapter 9 - TRUST

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Me and the sweets prince are at the gym waiting for the theme to come out,I hope the theme is easy I hate hard things.

"everyone I am going to announced the theme for you the first round so please put attention and be quiet" principal said,I am scared I wonder what kind of theme it is

"TRUST!"the principal said

No it cant be this one,why I cant rust no one that I know but why this one,I feel like screaming and crying I really want to leave and run as far as I can but I cant everyone is going to watch me because we are at the front of the gym and everyone is behind us.I hope I don't start to cry because that would be bad,I really need to forget this but I cant,brother I need you.

"trust huh"kashino said

"it sounds easy but when you try to make it its going to be hard"andou said

"we should think about it more,right mikan-chan"hanabusa siad,I was still thinking about it but I couldn't

"yeah"I said trying to make it sound happy but it was normal

"are you okay"andou said

"yeah lets go"I said walking to my room,but I wasn't really heading to my room I was going somewhere else to not about it.The 3 guys went to their rooms and think about it while I went to forget about it when suddenly someone grab my hand and took me somewhere else,I couldn't see who it was because they where wearing a sweater and a hood."who are you"I ask in a low voice

"just follow"he said

Its natsume but where are we going I thought,then we got somewhere where no one can find us and it was dark but not that dark.

"natsume what are we doing here?"I said,looking around trying not to think about the theme

"you can cry but not scream"he said ...BLUSHING!

Wait how did he know that I wanted to cry?

"what are you talking about"I ask confused if he know or talking about something else

"trust"he said normally

How did he know that,maybe he heard the high school saying the theme is trust.

"hey natsume can I say something to you"I said


"do you trust someone"I said,because I really don't know if he trust someone

"family and friends"he said

"oh okay"I said

I dont like trusting people who are bad or mean I just cant,now I feel like crying but it will feel weird crying in front of him.Then I realize that tears ca,e down my cheeks and I felt them,natsume was just looking at me if he wanted to hug me...then he grab me and told me"dont cry I am here"he said softly but I couldn't stop crying I really cant trust no one"I cant trust anyone"I said

"then trust me"natsume said like he was serious about that

"I just cant natsume really,I cant get hurt"I said still crying,and then I remember something my old ex-friends they where the worst

"natsume I cant trust,I don't even know what does trust mean when I stop trusting people"I said

"you can trust me,please"he said

"You never lie to someone who trust you.never trust someone who lies to you"natsume said

That really sounded good.He really was talking about the truth,but I don't know if I can I just feel that I cant.The only people I trust is my brother aki,the only person,not even my aunt.Should I trust him,because he really touch me with his word it sounded like he is saying its really truth,ugh this is hard"you don't have to give me an answer right now,tell me when your ready"he said,I think I can trust him I am going for it

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