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We sat at the same table for our evening meal, five of us. Callan had gotten off to somewhere else and nobody knew where. I was quite worried. I sat next to Peter this time, Caleb wanted to sit on the end of the table, on a chair.

"So you and Eric, you were a thing?" Caleb asked me politely. I felt awkward talking about it and Four could see it written over my face.

"You must be one brave sl-" I stood on his foot before he could say anything bad about me. He swore quietly and glared at me.

"Yes, Caleb, she did. But he was much nicer back then, she made him a good person." Four replied to Caleb for me and I thanked him by smiling, he smiled back. "When she left, he took a turn for the worst." He added and I automatically felt guilty. I can imagine the pain Tris has been through with having Eric as a leader.

"So she made him what he is today." Tris piped up. I knew somebody was going to say it but I hadn't expected it to be her.

"No, he made himself what he is today." Four argued for me but I sighed deeply in the sense that I didn't care.

"What's wrong love?" Peter asked while putting his arm around my back and holding onto my hip the other side.

"Truth is, I believe I made him what he is today, I crushed his heart so many times that I scarred him. But, what was I supposed to do? He killed an innocent person right in front of my eyes." I sobbed to myself.

"He's killed a lot more since you've been gone." Tris whispered to me, however she sounded condescending. My heart hurt at the thought of him killing so many people, the Eric I loved.

"Perhaps if I'd stayed he may have changed. Perhaps I could've snapped him out of it." Sobbing like a baby once again and cuddle myself into Peter.

"There's nothing you could've said or done that would've changed that man Tris, he's set in his ways. Just do me a favour, don't get too close to the stiff, I like you Cass. I don't want you to end up dead." Peter chuckled and my eyes snapped to Tris.

Her eyes darted and her expression started to heat.

"What do you mean by that?" She tried to keep herself from exploding into a million flames and killing him.

"You know, how everyone who gets close to you ends up dead, like your parents. I wonder who's next." He smiled wikedly.

I got up from my chair now, knowing this was about to get crazy. Four had the same idea as me. Tris picked up a knife and went for Peter a few times, nearly getting him. When she realised she wasn't successful she got up from her seat and flipped the table on top of Peter, crushing his chest and then she proceeded to wrap her arms around his neck tightly.

"Tris." I shouted her name, Four started pulling her off of Peter, her failing to give up however Four managed to get her off. Four took her to the side and I pulled the table back over, seeing to an injured Peter on the floor.

I extended my arm and he gladly takes it pulling himself weakly up with my help. He winced in pain. "Sorry." I whispered but he just whines back. You couldn't blame him he just had a bench pushed into him.

I sat him back down on the now flat bench.

"All of you, my office now." It was Johanna Reyes' voice and I looked up from Peter.

The others started walking towards her while she looked down at Peter, in so much pain. "Sort him out then bring him and yourself up." She ordered and I nodded, she then left and the Amity faction went back to normal.

I kneeled down on the grass in front of Peter and attempted to raise his top up, to see the damage but he stopped me by holding onto my hand.

"I need to see how bad it is." I informed him and he sighed, letting go of my hand. I lifted his top up slowly and inspected. "You're going to have a long bruise just below your lungs where the table landed on your chest." I told him and he sighed, as if this was his normal everyday life. "Why would you say that to her? Were you looking for a reaction?" I question him.

"Cassia," Peter whispered to me, "look up at me." He instructed and I did so. I looked into his eyes and they seemed so deep yet so beautiful. I blinked a few times to snap myself out of it.
"Sometimes I say the first things that come into my head, I know I shouldn't but it's who I am. I can't help how explosive Tris is." He sort of giggles now.

"You told her that her parent's died because of her, trust me, if you'd told me I was responsible for my mother's death I would personally slit your throat." I scoff, to think he had the audacity to say that to her. "We should go up to Johannas office, she needs us up there." I told him and he sighed.

Most people would argue it was time to move on from Eric, to find someone who would love me for me. However, there was still that love for him in my heart.

Plus, Peter's a right dickhead.

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