Letter #1 (Blair-Adrian)

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Dear Adrian,

Oh, Adrian. I miss you so much. How long has it been since we've been together in person? A few hours at least. You just dropped me off at my dorm. I'm writing you now because I just can't wait. The hole in my chest is killing me. And I know it's only going to get worse, but somehow picturing yousmiling and reading this letter makes it just a little bit better.

So how are you? You must be at your dorm by now. I wonder if it's nice. Somehow, I picture it as a bright, white, small room with a bunkbed in the corner and a small desk beside the door. You'll make it your own, I know. I can't wait to see it when I come up next week. It's just not soon enough, though. I want to drive up there right now. Never mind I don't have a car yet.

But hey, enough groveling in self pity. Let me tell you about my roommate!

Her name is Beverly. Stupid name, i know. But we sound cute together: Blair and Beverly, Beverly and Blair. We're thinking about painting it on our door.

She's really into pink. Pink highlights, pink dress, pink everything. She even brought pink beding and floor mats. I suggested to divide our room in half so that we can each have our own side to decorate our way. To tell you the truth, I had a few pink things with me, but I gave them to her. What colors should I use? Dark blues and purples or bright oranges and greens? Wait, why am I asking you? You don't care about this. I'll continue on about Beverly.

She's the typical party animal who is major is undetermined and jeans are way too tight. I can tell I'll be the one studying late at night while she's passed out on the couch sipping vodka. But I can tell she's nice, I think we'll be close friends. Right now, she's the only girl I know on campus. Heck, she's the only person I know within a hundred miles.

So, what else. I can't stop writing, because if I do, then Beverly is going to make me help her pierce her navel, which is so not happening.

The view from my room is really nice. Not as nice as my one in the city, but the campus is actually kind of pretty. I think I could get to like this place. I"m kind of freaking out about my classes next week, but I have more important things to do until then. Tomorrow I'm going job hunting with Beverly in the city (if you can call it that. It's more of an enlarged town.) and then my cousin Sierra is driving down her old car for me to have. She didn't send a picture, and if it's a Hummer, I'm going to crash it into a pole. You know how much I hated your car, Adrian. No offense.

Okay, I guess I have to go. Beverly is threatening to rip up the letter. Remind me again why you wanted to send our letters via snail mail instead of those wonderful things called computers? Whatever, I'm happy to oblige. Don't take too long to write me back, okay?

Miss you! Way too much.


Blair <3

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