Bloody Sunday

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oh my god. an update. seriously, guys, i am so sorry. but school is over - summer is here. more updates. you are all AMAZING for sticking by me - I know it's so shitty that it took me three months to post this. pllllease read and review, i love you all to death. my next update shoul be within a week, an i PROMISE you that. i hope you enjoy, xs an os.


As I stared motionless at the bouquet of yellow roses between Cole’s fingers, their emerald stems clipped neatly and wrapped in a crème-colored silk ribbon, the sound of Paige’s voice neared with her accompanying light, rapid footsteps. I turned my attention from the beautiful flowers to the two figures standing near me – first at Paige, whose visage was contorted sourly in clear irritation – and then to Tom, who stood unmoving with his syrupy gaze locked menacingly on Cole.

Paige blinked quickly, clearing her throat gently as her thin, tan fingers latched onto Tom’s bare forearm. “Tom,” she whispered in a quiet murmur, gently shaking his arm impatiently. “What are you doing?”

The sound of a throat clearing echoed once more, but I immediately recognized the deeper sound as one from Cole, and when I reverted my attention back to him, the flowers were lowered to his side and his cobalt eyes were fixated on my blonde roommate.

“I thought you were leaving,” he spoke up evenly, his gaze flickering between her and Tom every so often. “I was hoping to have some time alone with Anna.”

“Oh, you can!” Paige quickly responded, flashing him a sweet bright smile and tugging more insistently at Tom’s lower arm. “We’ll leave you two alone, we’re going no – “

“I’m not going anywhere.”

The silence that followed Tom’s deep voice was nearly deafening, and I wasn’t aware that I’d been holding my breath until a tight discomfort constricted within my chest. As I exhaled unevenly through my nose, I looked to Tom’s taller figure standing beside me, and I was aware that the cold, hard expression on his handsome features was directed immediately at the face of my ex-boyfriend. Paige’s light blue eyes were also locked in on his face, but undeniable shock and confusion were evident on her softer features.

As she reached up to tuck a piece of her wheat-colored hair behind her ear with a free hand, a nervous laugh escaped her glossed lips. “Tom, we’re going,” she murmured slowly, her eyes hardening considerably. “Anna needs her privacy, we can go to get something to eat – “

“Did you not hear me?” he interrupted sharply, finally turning his attention away from Cole and onto Paige’s bemused façade. With a slow movement, he reached over to her fingers, still latched adamantly onto his arm, and pried them off with clear inconsideration. “I’m not leaving.”

I was sure that my heart was going to stop in my chest at the rate it was pounding within my ribs – and I was even more sure that I wanted it to – because in that moment I was aware of the predicament I found myself in. I was standing in my living room with my ex-boyfriend and an assortment of gorgeous yellow roses – the same person that had caused me to encounter the indifferent and wealthy German boy situated a mere few inches from my body – and my insufferable blonde roommate who had no clue of the messiness to come stood obliviously at his side. I was suddenly aware of the consequences of allowing the four of us to continue interacting, and decided to take a step forward towards Tom’s lean form.

I coughed gently at the back of my throat, and when Tom’s coffee-colored eyes finally locked on mine, I knew for certain my heart was going to rupture. His lazy gaze locked on mine and didn’t falter for even a moment, and I found the ordinary task of just breathing to be near impossible. With a shaky intake of breath, I nodded tentatively at him, swallowing against the lump that had settled in my throat.

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