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Noya's POV
I finally got back to Dachi and Sugawara.
"yo guys sorry I took so long."
"Well, did you meet him?" They asked eagerly.
" Meet who?"
" We'll take that as a no. You know some short orange head kid came and was looking for you."
" Hinata?! What's he doing here?"
" Well he seems to go to school here, a first year I believe." What? When? How? He never told me! I didn't see him! Where was he! I started thinking hard.
" um Noya, it's fine you'll probably see him soon" will I really though?
Bold is Noya Regular is Hinata
(4:21) um.. Hi...
(4:23) hey
(4:24) it's true right? That u go to Karasuno?
(4:25) yup, u go there too don't u?
(4:26) yeah
(4:27)oh, ok then, well, whatcha doin?
(4:28) walkin'
(4:29) soooo vagueeeee
(4:30) lol I'm about to enter this cafe or whatever
10 seconds later
Noya's POV
I wonder if this coffee place is as good as Sugawara said it was. I thought as I entered the doors of a small restaurant called "Sugar & Spice" I looked down at my phone about to talk to Hinata, when suddenly, the door flings open.
" I'm sorry!!!" A panicked and nervous voice almost screamed. I looked up, but only a little, he was pretty short. His face looked kind of cute and flushed and his orange hair was a mess. Wait? Orange?
Hinata's POV
That coffee was great! I thought happy, even after the whole thing that happened at school today. I was really depressed after that, why was I so excited to see Noya? Anyway I didn't even get to see him, so. I looked down and opened the door to the shop walking out. Suddenly I heard a bang, I had slammed the door into someone!
"I'm sorry!!!" I did it again! Why am I so clumsy! I looked up and then right back down, because this person was, shorter than me? Only by a couple centimeters but.... And his hair! It looked pretty awesome!.. And... Wait.. What?
Noya's POV
" Hinata?" I said in a whisper.
" Noya?" He said a litter louder. Wait did he just say my name? Suddenly, I felt warmth crawl all over my body, it was a little chilly, so I was surprised that he was so warm, and his hair.. I put my hand on top of his messy hair and patted it, as we stood in a embrace. Wait? What!
" Hinata!!"
" Sorry I just... I was very excited and so anxious that I!!!" He started to get flushed again. Although I'm pretty sure I was blushing like mad, like a bright red tomato.
" Let's not be, even the littlest of strangers. We should be best friends from now on." I said sternly with my hands on both his shoulders.
" sure!!!!" He said extremely happily, but I could still see the red on his face as he turned away. We ended up going into the small coffee place, even though he had just had it, he ordered the same thing.
We sat there in silence. I looked out the window, and Hinata took another bite of his cake, and a sip of tea.
"Um.. So.."
" this is kinda like a date right!!!" He suddenly shouted out with a huge grin on his face.
" I guess" I mumbled as I looked the other way again, because I was red, again.
" There's some stuff on your face," I said as I brushed my hand against is cheek. I quickly pulled back.
" um, so actually I wanted to tell you something"  Hinata said. I titled my head.
" Nishinoya! I really like you!!" He sayed all in one breathe. I sat there shocked and I froze. On the inside I was going to explode. My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest and my skin was probably boiling hot, especially my face.
" I like you too, Hinata!"

Nishinoya x Hinata ➳ Wrong Number (Haikyuu!!)Where stories live. Discover now