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To think... Joseph, Angela and Marie's days started off so normal... Who would have known that it was going to end up being so abnormal, so strange. Some people would've hated the fact that magick ran through their blood. Not Joe. Not Marie. Not Angela.

Joseph began to flick through the pages of the strange book, seeing titles like "Solar Orb- Fire Magick" and "Entangling Vines- Grass Magick". He was intrigued as to what this could do. What secrets this book held. As he wonder what he should do with the leather bound book Marie and Angela lunged in the door and ran over to Joseph, questioning what was happening to them all day. Marie had started a small tornado in the office and Angela had set fire to her reports at work. " WHAT THE HELL HAS BEEN HAPPENING TO US TODAY?!" Marie and Angela screamed simultaneously. Joe was contemplating what to say to them. Should he mention that he found the book or should he keep it a secret? He decided that he should tell them... How bad could they react? "Hey... Uhh guys... I kinda found this book... It's sorta got something to do with... Uhh... Magick?" Joe said worryingly. "ITS TO DO WITH WHAT NOW?!" Marie screamed, "Woah! Awesome! What can we do with it?!" Angela questioned
"Well, as far as I know from reading this book. We all have natural elemental abilities. Marie has Air and Angie, you have Fire. I don't know what I have yet but there are another three elements: Water, Earth and Spirit. The most rare out of the three is spirit so it's most likely not that, The most common is Earth so it's probably that. But no matter what there is going to be a loose two elements. That means two people we are close too will have the others." Joe said with confidence "We are also technically called "Witches"."
"WITCHES?!" Marie squealed
"Witches huh? HOW MUCH MORE COOL COULD THIS DAY GET?!" Angela belted out. Joseph didn't know what to do? He hadn't discovered his element yet. What if he doesn't have an element and he's not one of the five...

After hours of heavily studying the book, Joseph found out that it was called a grimoire; also known as a spell book. But he could've figured that out on his own. The spells in the book are from an ancient coven of witches. They all had the five elements on their side. After some more studying Joseph discovered that the past witches were related to him, Marie and Angela. He was amazed; Astonished actually. In his family he had witches. Magick ran through his blood. From the book, people with Magick in their blood like are called 'Purple Bloods'. Joseph just assumes that purple was the worldwide colour for Magick.

"Right guys, we need to dedicate a lot of our time trying to find the other two elements. Even if we haven't discovered mine" Joseph spoke
"Joe, as much as I agree with that statement; me and Angela have work. We can't exactly postpone our jobs to go on a witch hunt. Can we." Marie said with confidence
"But Marie, Joe has a point. We need to find these other people so that we can cast group spells at full power. Now that we've opened the book it will be easier to find them because we've unleashed their powers. I mean... If I'm walking down the street and I see a guy lifting rocks or moving water or even going through walls without touching either I'm not exactly gonna go 'oh it's just an average day in town!' Am I now?" Angela argued. She had a point. It was going to be easy to find the fellow witches because of their powers but... The longer they can't find them, the easier it is for them to reveal that magic exists. If they were going on a witch hunt... They were going to have to do it now.

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