The Fourth Element

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Joe, Angela and Marie were all still in heated discussion on if they should look for the other two witches or if the witches should find them. In the end it was two against one. Joe and Angela were both sided for finding the witches where as Marie didn't like the fact that we would be adding two other people to our small circle of friends, she thought it was stupid. Adding a useless number of people, breaking the circle for two simpletons.

Joe and Marie began the morning with the usual breakfast except this time it had a little spice. "Why the hell do you wanna expand our circle of friends?! Are me and Angie not good enough for you?"
"Its not that Marie. Stop over reacting. I just believe it would be better for all three of us if we took on another two people. By expanding our circle, or in this case our "Coven", it will enhance our powers and keep them a secret"
"Fine, but when they turn on us. It's on you."
As the discussion went on Angie climbed in through the window and snuck up behind Marie. "HEY! STOP WITH THE ARGUING"
Marie's whole body jumps with fright. The adrenaline rushes through her body and as it does her element comes into play. The air all around her becomes more dense and starts to suffocate Joe and Angie. They both struggle to breath; kicking and screaming, begging for Marie to stop. Eventually she lets go and falls to the floor along with both Joe and Angie. "What did I just do?" Marie cried
"Marie, you almost killed us?! THAT WAS AWESOME! YOU'RE GETTING STRONGER!" Angela yelled. If Marie's powers were enhancing then that means Angie's were too. On the other hand Joe was yet to discover his element. He had begun to doubt the chance of him having any power at all; what if he didn't and his friends pushed him away. He would have to find his element, and fast.

Christopher was wandering through town with his friends, there's nothing more a 16 year old can do really. He's a young handsome boy with dirty blonde hair and Jade eyes. His friends were all obnoxiously loud extroverts that didn't care who they were offending; Christopher however was nothing like them. Although he was loud around them and insulting to anyone that happened to pass him, he was actually quite a music orientated person. As soon as he would get home he would wander up the stairs to his room and play his music as loud as he could. His parents thought this was to block out anything that was going on outside of his room. They were completely wrong.  Christopher used the music to block out the noise that was going on inside his room. Christopher would sit in his room for hours on end making weapons like swords and knives; he always felt a connection to the metal. When picking up a sword he would feel as if it was an extension for his limbs.

Whilst Christopher was in town something weird started happening, where ever he walked the ground cracked. Pebbles and small stones flew around him but they were too fast for anyone to notice. Joseph and Christopher crossed paths in town and then all of a sudden Joe felt a surge of magical energy rush through his body. Chris began to notice the rocks and started to freak out, this was then causing more rocks and larger rocks to fly around him. Joseph walked over to Chris and told him that he was going to be in trouble if he didn't follow him now. Luckily Christopher followed Joe back to the manor and they explained everything.

"- finally we need to find one more person to complete our coven. Are you up for helping us?" Joe explained.
"Yeah, sure, alright. I'll help. So I can control earth? Sweet! And what element are we looking for Here?"
"We have no idea. It's one of two. Water and spirit" Marie interrupted "but I  have a feeling that Joe here has spirit. So be on the lookout for water."
"This is gonna be awesome! I can't wait for this thing to be complete!" Angie screamed
"But it does feel too easy, does it not? I feel like a group of witches should have some form of enemy." Joe stated. As he did he got a rush of dark magical energy. Something was about to happen. The light began to flicker and the room began to shake. "You had to say, didn't you?!"

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