Fooled Around and Fell in Love

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So since I have to go back to school tomorrow, i decided to stay up half the night and write fanfics for you guys :D. Great idea right?? So this is a high school au similar to my fic Kiss Kiss Fall in Love....hope you enjoy!!


"Hey hot stuff."

Alec jumped and spun around, then sighed. "God Magnus you scared the crap out of me." He said, shoving his husband.

Magnus rolled his eyes and handed him a glass full of some red fizzy drink. "Oh really? I thought you were unscareable." He said, making a face.

"If that's your impression of me then you're terrible at it." Alec glared at him, taking the drink. "Now can we go?"

"No Alec! We have to stay for at least another hour."

Alec groaned and huffed, glaring around. They were standing under the dim lights of their old high school gymnasium, drinking bad punch and pretending to remember people's names. When the invitation for their year high school reunion came in the mail, Magnus had begged Alec to go and unfortunately, he could be very persuasive. "This sucks. I forgot how miserable this place is." Alec looked around at the scuffed up floor and ancient posters.

"It's not that bad." Magnus insisted. "I mean, we met here."

Alec rolled his eyes. "Ah yes, our first meeting was so magical."

Magnus chuckled. "Well, I think that day was very magical. I mean, it's not every day you get to meet the most beautiful boy in the world."

Alec bit his lip and looked down, hoping nobody would see him blushing in the dark. "God why do you have to be so adorable."

"Because when I was born fairies threw glitter and blessed me with the gift of fabulousness and eternal cuteness."

"Well...that sure explains something."

"Hey! Don't be mean. Anyways, we had other moments in this school too....that's why I wanted to come. This was where we...well...fell in love."

(ten Years Earlier)

"Look Iz, electron configuration is simple. All you have to do is follow the chart!" Alec huffed with frustration; trying to teach his sister chemistry was like trying to teach a dog...well...chemistry.

Except he was pretty sure the dog would pay attention better. "What chart??" Izzy looked at him, eyebrows furrowed.

"The....electron configuration chart?? The one you got at the start of the year??"

"Oh that one....yeah I lost that like three months ago."

"Honestly!! Sometimes I wonder how you're even related to me."

"I think everyone wonders that brother dear." Izzy said, smiling at him. "Oh!! Did you hear there's a new kid coming to school soon?"

"Really? Why?" Alec made a face. Raziel High was literally one of the most boring places on the planet. There were only about 400 kids in the entire school, and 3/4ths of them were extremely religious. Not that that was necessarily a bad thing...but when you get told you're going to hell every other day, it gets old.

"No idea, Tessa told me this morning. Apparently his uncle is some famous designer. He worked for Vera Wang and Ralph Lauren!!"

"Yeah Iz, I have no idea who those people are."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 ⏰

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