December 2nd: Shadowhunter Christmas Party

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 “I’ll be right here waaiiiting for my pants to start vibrating!! So text me meeerry christmas!”

“What the hell are you singing?” Alec glared at Magnus, who had come sliding in his socks out of the bathroom with a hairbrush.

“Text Me Merry Christmas!!” He said, kissing Alec and grabbing a coffee mug from the cabinet.

Alec sighed and shook his head. “Remind me to kill Izzy for showing you that song.”

Magnus chuckled and took a sip of coffee. “So what time are we supposed to be at the thing tonight?”

“6. Oh and we’re supposed to bring you know how to cook by any


“Mhmmm not unless you want to bring pasta.” Magnus answered, flopping down at the table.

“Right… passing a bakery cake of as homemade it is. Listen I’ve got some work to finish up before the party so I’m just going to run to the library in a bit.” Alec said, dumping out the rest of his coffee out in the sink and making his way back towards the hallway.

Magnus intercepted him on his way back and pulled him down into his lap, wrapping his arms around his waist. “Hey what are you doing?!”

“You haven’t said good morning to me yet!” He laughed, kissing the shadowhunters neck.

“Yes I did!” Alec wiggling and trying to escape.

 “Mhm...I believe your exact words were What the hell are you singing.”

“Thats good morning enough.” Alec groaned, giving up and leaning back into his boyfriend.

“Noooo! I want you say it!! C’mon at least pretend you love me!” He said, tickling Alec’s sides.

“!...stop….stop!” Alec giggled twisting around so he was facing the warlock. “How about this?”

He repositioned himself so his legs were on either side of the warlocks and cupped his face in his hands, leaning down to kiss him. Magnus leaned back in the chair, sliding his hands around Alec’s waist. Alec’s hands began to slide down to his shoulders as the kiss began to heat up. “Ewwww! Can you too please stop making out?”

Both boys broke apart, slightly dazed to see who had interrupted them. Izzy stood in the doorway, snow covering her shoulders with Jace behind her, looking thoroughly disgusted.

“Maybe you two should stop barging into peoples houses.” Magnus snapped at her.

“Well you never answer your door!”
“That’s because we’re busy.” Magnus muttered, smirking.

“Ew. Can you not? That is my brother you know.” Jace said, glaring at him.

“Magnus.” Alec scolded, blushing.

“What?! I didn’t say what we were busy doing.”

“Magnus! Honestly, sometimes I wonder why I even date you.” Alec huffed, standing up and walking towards the hall again.

Magnus caught his hand as he walked away and pulled him back. “Become you love me.” He said, pecking him on the lips.

Alec rolled his eyes, smiling. “Ah yes. I guess thats just the curse I have to bear.”

Magnus giggled and let go of his hand. “Right, so I’m heading to the library, and when I get back everyone better be ready. Simon and Clary are coming right?” He asked, looking towards his siblings.

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