Chapter 1- Remember The Good Old Days

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Gerard's POV-

"I think they will accept me this time, Gee. Just make sure they have their glasses on, and they will see me." Mikey tries to convince me to talk to mom and dad about him.
"Okay, I'll try again, I just wish they would stop thinking you're dead, when you're clearly right here!" I say, frustrated.
Mikey nods, placing a hand on my shoulder, comfortingly.
"Gerard...?" I hear moms voice, and Mikey quickly disappears somehow.
I turn to face her, "yeah?"
"Are you talking to yourself again?" She asks, suspiciously.
Mom threatened to put my on medication if she catches me talking to Mikey again, saying it will make Mikey go away, but why would I want him to leave!
"N-no" I say.
She raises her eyebrow, "you know what will happen if you talk about this Mikey nonsense again, Gerard."
"But he is here!" I exclaim, flailing my arms as I to so, in frustration.
"Gerard, he is dead!" She argues, clearly upset.
"NO!" I shoot up.
"MIKEY! COME OUT AND PROVE TO MOM THAT YOU'RE ALIVE!" I shout, seeing Mikey reappear into the room, standing next to me.
Mom puts a hand on her hip, "Well? Where is he?"
I look at Mikey then back at her, "He's right next to me!"
She scoffs, leaving the room, "I'm calling up you're psychiatrist and getting you those meds" she says on her way out, locking my door behind her.
"NO!" I yell.
Mikey, forcefully wraps his arms around me, "Shh, Gee it's okay. I'm here, I'm here" he coos, rubbing my back.
"Why can't she see you?" I whine.
"I don't know, I don't know. But you can see me, that's all that matters." He replies.
"Now I'm going to go on medication that I don't even need, and it will take you away. Mikey, I don't want to loose you. Mom is so selfish, just because she can't see you doesn't mean that I can't!" I say.

"What's going on in there!" I stop, frightened, at hearing my fathers voice.

Out of habit, I bite my nails, to stop myself from whimpering, and I look to Mikey for comfort.
He gives me a sad look before mouthing 'it's okay'.
"Aren't ya gonna talk!" Dad yelled, when he still earned only silence from me, he yanked the door open, seeing me cross legged on my bed, Mikey was sitting next to me but he couldn't see him.
"The fuck were you doing, Gerard?"
I glance down, "I-I was-"
"No bullshit, the truth boy, what ere you doing."
I bite my lip, "t-talking to M-Mikey..."

After dad didn't respond for a while, I decided to look up at him, regretting it straight away as he looked like he was using all his entire self control not to beat the shit out of me.

"Well. Your mother and I are going to book you into a psychiatrist appointment." He said in monotone voice, before leaving.
My lip started quivering, but Mikey out his arm around me.
"Hey, Gee it's okay shh, I'm here." He coos, pulling me towards him so my head is resting in his chest.
"Mikey, I-I don't want to go to a shrink" I say.
"I know. Remember the good old days? When our momma sang us to sleep? (Totes NOT a 21p reference)" Mikey says quietly.
I smile at the memory, "yeah, we had so much fun together."
"I remember when dad took us both to a comic con, and you dressed up as batman!" Mikey says, joy in his voice.
My eyes spark at the memory of me 8 years old in my batman outfit at comic con.

I suddenly feel very happy.

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