Chapter 2- I'm Supposed To Be Finished Eating!

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Franks POV

My alarm went off at exactly 6:58am, meaning i had 2 minutes to get up and start my day, i had to get up at 7 sharp or my entire routine would be ruined. I knew at precisely 6:59 am that Andy would come in to make sure that my routine wouldn't be messed up, and wake me up. 6:59 came, and I heard a knock on my door.

"Yeah, I'm up Andy" I said
"Okay, see you at breakfast." He replied.

Then he left, and the clock turned 7am.
I got out of bed and to the bathroom. Washed my hands, stripped and went into the shower. I lathered my hair up with shampoo, then rinsed, and put conditioner in it, letting it stay there for a while, while washing the rest of my body with body lotion, then rinsing my hair and body at the same time, till I was clean.
I stepped out the shower and dried myself.
I put on some skinny jeans, iron maidens t shirt, then converse shoes. Then I went back into the bathroom, washing my hands once again, before carefully lining under my eye with black pencil guy liner, then slipping my nose and lip ring in. Then, I brushed my hair, and straightened my fringe, making it curl slightly underneath my chin, before hair spraying it. Then I packed everything up, and washed my hands because of the hairspray chemicals, then I out on my leather gloves, and grabbed my bag, very carefully placing my comic books into it, then hiding my guitar picks and stones underneath my bed so no one can take them.
I looked at the time, it was 7:55 am, I had 5 minutes to be in the breakfast room, at exactly 8am, to meet Ray. I sped walked through the hallway, and to the cafeteria, Ray and I were always early as I want to avoid everyone. On my way, some random person stood in front of me, and I had to stop to avoid touching her.

"Can you please move? I need to get to the cafeteria in 2 minutes!" I say.
"What's in your bag?" The girl ignored me and her hand started towards my bag.
I flung it behind my shoulder, anxiously, "Nothing! Let me go!" I say, as I only had 30 seconds to get there!
Luckily, Andy was walking past, and saw me in this situation, quickly moving the girl out the way.
"Thanks!" I said, sprinting to the cafeteria, Ray was waiting at our usual table, I was 1 who minute late!!!

"Frank! What happened?" Ray stood up, looking at me. It was very rare for me to be late or early for that matter.

My breath quickens as thoughts race through my head, "Oh no, I was one whole minute late! What if my day is messed up?! What if something bad happens?! What I-"
Ray cuts me off, "Hey! Frank, slow down! Nothing bad will happen, I promise! If we eat now, we can finish on time, just relax."
"B-but are you sure?! Because what if-"

Andy comes jogging over, and Ray shoots him a grateful look.

"Frank, are you ok?" Andy asks, taking over, and Ray sits down at the table, starting to eat.

Shit! I was supposed to be finished eating!

"Frank, tell me what your thinking" Andy says.
"I-I'm supposed to be finished eating now!" I say, anxiously.
"Something bads going to happen now!! Someone might die! It will be MY fault!" I yell, luckily no one is here yet.
"Frank, I promise you, no one is going to die, if you eat really fast you can still finish in time." Andy says.
"Copy my breathing.... In out..... In out" Andy adds.

I copy his slow and steady breathing, feeling myself calm down.

"Okay?" Andy asks, as I relax.

I nod, sitting down, opposite Ray, and start to eat faster than I have in my whole life.

"You okay, man?'' Ray asks.
"Yeah, that stupid girl.... Quick, let's go to the music room now, I need to play guitar in 10 minutes." I say, and Ray nods getting up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 ⏰

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