Ch1: My first Day

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~Thank you for showing interest in this story. Here is Chapter 1~

I looked out the window of my fathers car, ever since my Mom passed away I've felt lonely, although I have my Father and my little brother, I still feel somewhat empty. As we drove to his new house I gazed out the window, was his house because it didn't feel like our house without my wasn't a was just a house..

Suddenly my brother caught my attention by acting all exited, he was still a kid... He was only 4 when she passed and didn't know much it didn't impact him as much as it did me.

"Yah! Sis! Look how big the house is! It's bigger then the old house!" He said as he shoved my shoulder.

"Whatever.." I muttered back looking at my phone. 6:47 . It was still early even though the drive felt like years..

I looked back out the window and we had already pulled up in the drive way.

"Alright guys! We're officially at our new house! Who wants to go check out their rooms?" He asked trying to enjoy himself.

Neither of us wanted to leave that house, since thats where we spent our last moments with Mom before her death..

Suddenly my brother climbed over the top of me to get out. Kneeing me in the gut as he went along.

"Yah! Watch it you idiot!" I shouted at him. He just scoffed and continued to climb out and proceeded to the back on the car to retrieve his luggage.

I hopped out of the car and walked up the path to the front door. I didn't worry about my luggage, dad could worry about that.
The house was nice.. But wasn't the same. I sighed and opened the door and made my way inside, but then my brother rushed past me knocking me into the side table which contained a pot plant. Instantly I spun on the spot and grabbed it.


I immediately placed it back on the table and proceeded into the house. It was spacious, id give it that. It had a nice spiral stair case, and a beautiful chandelier. But it still felt empty..
I walked up the stairs to my room and entered, it was similar to my old room but had more of a gloomy and misty tone to it, perfect for a rainy day.. It was cosy.
I kicked off my shoes and chucked my bag on the chair and plopped myself on the bed, all I wanted to do was sleep, but I couldn't. I had school in an hour. Of course I didn't want to go.. But my father enrolled me in the school before I even left my old school, he was very strict on education.

Speak of the devil..

"Kailee. Please get prepared to go to school now. I have to drop both you off early as I have to go to a job interview at 8. We're leaving at twenty past 7. You've got 10 minutes to get ready" he said and with that he walked back out.

School starts at 10 past 8.. And we're getting there most likely around 7:45.. At least this gives me time to look around and get the feel of the place before I get trampled on by the other students..

I changed and grabbed my bag again and the books I'd need for the day, my phone and my shoes and walked out. I was ready, for the first day at my new school.

"I didn't have time to prepare anything so just buy something at the canteen alright" our father said as he handed us each a 20 dollar note.

We both made our way to the car and got in, he obviously wasn't to exited about school either since he was quiet all of a sudden. I checked my phone again. 7:20. Exactly as Dad said..

Our father hopped in the car shortly after us and started the car and we drove off. Not know what was to come I just sat in the back of the car waiting.


We pulled up outside the gates and my brother and I hopped out and grabbed our bags out of the boot.
Not even noticing the other students we just said our good-byes and walked away from the car.

Suddenly my brother stopped. He turned on the spot and looked up at me.
"What do you want?" I mumbled crossing my arms and looking away.

"I'm going this way," he pointed towards the sports hall then looked back up at me with evil eyes. "Don't follow me. Go the other way" he said and he walked off towards the sports hall heading towards a bunch of other boys.

This school was a more of a colledge. It had all the year levels. From Prep to Grade 12. Thats the only reason my younger brother and I entered at the same gate for once. Knowing him, next time, he'll wanna enter alone first to look cool. When in reality, he's like a fat duck trying to be a graceful swan.

Nothing ever goes well for that kid...*sigh*

I walked up the path I was on and saw a few students, minding their own business and doing their own thing. Almost no one even noticed me, well, a few did, but they didn't really seem to care much.
I came across a park bench surprisingly so I chose to sit there. I didn't have much else to do since I already knew where I had to go for class and I wasn't to bothered about making friends.
I sat down and pulled out my novel, dark nights, it's mainly about a girl who suffers depression and sadness and just wonders around most of the time, and it's my favourite book, which is why I tend to do what she does and I usually keep to myself.

~ 5 minutes past and I was really starting to enjoy my book. Then suddenly I smelt something. A smoke. Not just any smoke. Cigarette smoke, I could tell because my uncle used to smoke in front of us all the time. Before he died of lung cancer, which is why I don't approve of smoking or of people who do it.

I followed the smell around the corner and saw a small group of guys my age by the looks of it, passing a cigarette between them.

"Yah! You shouldn't smoke! It's bad for your lungs!" I called out walking towards them.
Suddenly the dominant looking one stood up, and passed the cigarette to his other friend and started walking towards me aswell.
I slowed down to almost a bridal walk as did he.

"And who do you think you are trying to tell me what to do?" He asked as he stopped in front of me.

"I wasn't telling you that you can't do it. I was telling you that you shouldn't do it because it's bad for you. Its up to you if you smoke but then it's also your fault if you die of lung cancer" I snapped back at him.

"Hey! Don't you dare snap at V!" One of the other boys started walking over, but this so called 'V' stuck he two fingers up and waved them and dismissed his friends.
The other boy stopped in his tracks and turned around and walked back and grabbed the remaining friends hand and walked off, dragging the other friend behind him.

What ever this guy was planning I wasn't for it so I began to walk off, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.
"Why aren't you afraid?" He asked as he pulled me back to my original position.
"Because I know you're not the type of person to actually do anything" I said sighing.
"What do you mean by that?!" He raised his voice and looked me straight in the eye.
"I mean... You look like a nice guy hiding under a bad boy reputation..and you don't look like the type of person who would hurt a girl"I replied looking into his eyes aswell.

Suddenly his eyes widened, and he released his grip on my wrist and looked away, as though that's the first time he ever heard those words.

Then the bell rang. I looked at my watch. 8:00 am. It was already time to head to class. I sighed.
"Well if you're not gonna say anything else I'll be leaving then" I said and I turned around and walked away from him.
It was my first day and I already left a mark on someone. I sighed and headed towards my class.

{A/n~ how did you like my first chapter of my Taetae story? Better than my other story? Of course because it's Tae.. Anyway thank you to those who read it. The next chapter will be out on possibly friday. }

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