Chapter eight: Day 7

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Third person's POV


Zach groaned, shielding his bright blue but tired eyes from the sun that was shining through the curtains. He blinked a couple times and opened his eyes fully only to realize that he wasn't home.

He began to panic as he felt fingers graze against his hip, he jumped slightly and turned around to see Nick behind him, sleeping peacefully.

Zach felt a blush rise up on his face, his eyes wandered around nicks face and body, his noticed that Nick had slightly long eyelashes, he had soft looking lips and to his surprise, a nose ring.

Zach ran a hand through messy hair and layed back down, he looked to his left and saw a black clock (a/n I typed black cock.... I am not okay) flashing the time in bright bold green.

"Six fifty? Really? I have like two or three hours before school... Fuck my life." He mumbled the last part, he turned around and simply watched Nick sleep. He found himself drifting off not that long after, his eyes became very droopy and his whole body felt relaxed.

He tried fighting it because he wanted to watch Nick a little longer but after about five minuets he gave up and let sleep take over.


Zach felt hands on his lower stomach as he shook. "Zach wake up." He heard a raspy tired like voice groan. Zach groaned annoyed and tried pushing the person off. "No." Zach said, his voice raspy as well and his tone very child like. He could hear Nick let out a small giggle causing him to smile.

"I see you smiling you ass, unless you want Edworm to cuss you out I would suggest you get up and call him back." And with that Zach shot up, his face ending up very close to nicks. He could see the blush on nicks face making him smirk.

Nick was now sitting on zach's lap, his arms slightly behind Zach, their faces only centimeters apart. (A/n hope I used that word correctly) Zach didn't want to move and neither did Nick. Zach reaches for his phone, not bothering to look away from Nick. They started each other in the eyes as Zach grabbed his phone of the bed side table.

Zach broke their gaze as he looked down at his phone to see one missed called from Edwin. He instantly called back, not even bothered by the fact Nick was still on zach's lap.

"Baby?." Edwin asked, his deep raspy voice giving Zach shivers. Zach hummed in reply.

"I hope I didn't wake you.." Edwin said quietly, Zach pouted even though he couldn't see it. "Of course not babe." Zach reassured, not wanting Edwin to be upset.

"I wanted to call you and say that you are very cute and sexy and I can't wait to hug you and kiss you at school." Edwin said cutely, Zach awe'd earning an eyeroll from Nick.

"See you soon baby." Edwin said, "see you soon." Zach replied and Edwin hung up. Zach glared at Nick, "was that eye roll necessary?." Zach asked, Nick shrugged off zach's glare and turned away.

"Do you want something to eat?." Nick asked, Zach nodded slowly, wondering why nick seemed almost upset. Nick got off zach's lap and stood turning around walking to his bedroom door.

As he opened the door he turned around looking at Zach, "are you coming or are you going to stay here looking lost." Nick said causing Zach to narrow his bright blue eyes at Nick before throwing himself over the side of the bed (not literally) and followed Nick out his room, downstairs and into the kitchen.

- (I'm sorry I keep skipping but your author aka me is lazy as fuck soooo)

Zach and Edwin held hands as they walked down the hallway and towards the cafeteria, he could see Nick, Mickey and maddie talking. Mickey looked at Zach and Edwin and made a heart and wiggled her eyebrows.

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