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I remembered setting up my alarm last night, to ring at 5am, which did not happen. So here I am, frantically running around the house because I woke up at 6:45, and my class starts at 7:30. Thanks to my very diligent alarm buddy.

"Honey, sorry we can't drive you to school today, we have to go." Mom kissed me goodbye, and I nodded. Dad waved at me from the doorway, and my sister rushed out of the house muttering "See you around school, Hailey", as she passed.

I heard the car roar out of the garage as I gingerly stepped into the kitchen. I grabbed the cereal and fresh milk from the fridge, poured it in a bowl and downed it in three mouthfuls. I chugged down a glass of water and rushed back to my room. Breakfast has never been better, you bet.

I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, and proceeded to dress up. Gray shirt, black jeans, and white sneakers. No, you didn't have time to ponder on what to wear, I told myself as I ran past the mirror without a single glance. I almost forgot to comb my hair. I'm seriously running late.

Well, what do you expect from an ordinary high school student?

I arrived in class five minutes before the bell, and a few students were already in the classroom. I took my seat and plugged my earphones, blasting my eardrums with post-rocks. Students started piling up and soon the morning bell rang. The teacher walked in and sat in front.

Another boring day has begun.

Getting Into The Bored Zone (#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now