Chapter 7: I love you

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Mark's POV

I pulled away and looked in
(y/n)'s (e/c) eyes, they were beautifully stunning as they shown sparking in the sun. We laughed for a bit then I helped her up. I could still feel her lips on mine, they were soft and comforting. She was blushing slightly still, how adorable.

Your POV

Mark helped me to my feet and I couldn't help but feel guilty... because of my own stupidity I had forgotten some wonderful memories of Mark. I walked toward the fridge before almost passing out on the floor again. Mark caught me as he said that I should go to the hospital.

~~~~At the hospital~~~~

Mark's POV

"What's wrong with her!?" I was extremely worried at this point.
"Her memory is coming back in fits and bursts so she will get migraines and dizzy spells and may faint, so I suggest you keep an eye on her." I nodded, heading into the room. She was still asleep. Suddenly her eyes blinked open, she seemed near tears, what was she dreaming about? "I love you." I whispered under my breath as I nuzzled my head into her side.

I hope you all are liking this story. It's my first one so it's not very good. Leave a comment if you have any ideas.❤

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