Chapter 35: At The Amusement Park! (But I Don't Want To)

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Your POV

I walked into the place and almost puked just looking up at the rides, I didn't want to discourage Mark from coming here so I plastered a fake smile on my face and walked through the park gates. Mark had decided to stop by a place real quick to get his hair done (not quick in any way, let me assure you) and it looked really good. I have a sneaking suspicion that people are gonna start going crazy saying that Darkiplier is back, heh, people are strange. I trudge slowly up to Mark who puts his arm around me. "This is gonna be fun!" He shouted over the incessant noise of the park. There were children holding cotton candy, excited parents and me, clinging to Mark for dear life so that I didn't got lost in the crowd. I wish that I wasn't so afraid of amusement park rides, I don't even know why I'm so afraid of them. (A/N: A flashback to you in front of a T.V watching a show about roller coasters collapsing. XD JK, it's a bit different than that.) Mark started to push me forward, towards one of the rides. I ducked under his arm, I could see that he was more than a little disappointed. "I'll just sit this one out, maybe I'll get on the next one." I lied, trying to convince Mark to ride the coaster. I put on another fake smile and Mark shrugged and started going to wait in line, my friends cam up to me. They looked at each-other then back at me, I nodded and they went to stand next to Mark in line. I sighed and sat down at the table right by the entrance to the ride and slumped down as I watched the line grow, it went past the table I was sitting at and winded around a bend. I waited only about 5 minuets before Mark and my friends came back, they were all laughing and joking around as they walked over to me. I shifted in my seat and forced a far less convincing smile, Mark suddenly seemed to have forgotten about the joking and laughing because his face soon became soft and seemingly sorrowful. "We don't have to stay here if you don't want to (Y/n)." He said out of the blue, I looked over at my friends who looked at me with an expression which seemed to read as 'Sorry'. I took a guess that they had told Mark about the coaster crash I was in, I still had a scar on my leg from it. The strange thing was that everyone in it was only injured, not dead. I nodded to Mark and he took my hand and helped me up from the table. I smiled warmly, it wasn't fake this time. We all swiftly walked out of the amusement park and went to the car, I asked Mark where we were going. The words he said next terrified me.

A/N Ooooooh, cliffhanger! Sorry this was so short and all that but OMG WE REACHED 1K READS!!!! I can't even begin to explain how excited I am! You guys rock! Anyway, enough of my crazed rambling. I'll catch ya later, Ma Mellow Shmellows!!!! :3

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