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*ck!" I bellowed in a whisper tone, throwing the covers off my sweating body and bending slightly off to the side of the mattress, unplugging the d*mned alarm clock after reading it said nine O'clock A.M.

I sunk my head back down Into my pillow, weeping to myself. It's to early for me to be up, let alone anybody that actually understands how pleasing sleep overcomes your body. Cherishing it kind of.

I let a small grunt leave my dry lips. I need to get dressed quick and pack a bag. Harrys' snuck me to my room last night after the incident that had happened.

My eyes widened at the flashback of yesterday. I find myself reaching up my hand to my face, wincing at my own touch. Thats when I notice that I nearly got raped and killed yesterday by both Jeremy and Harry.

I blink twice, remembering last nights events. What came over me? My subconsciounce is waving her tiny hips side to side, biting her lip as if to act innocent as possible. I clam my lips together, trying my hardest at keeping a straight face and not let that smile apear. I lose. I can't help but feel so .. I don't know, new? Today. The sultry actions tooken place at Harry's was one not to forget.

I sit up on my bed, pulling my shirt off my sticky body. I shake my Head side to side as I stifle a laugh by pushing the left corner of my lips upward into a grin. I made Harry reach an orgasm. My first time giving a bl*w job and I absolutely nailed it. By force, yeah, but still. Glory still stands pride, waving a neon green flag over my head labeled 'I did it!'.

I swung my feet over the bed and placed them on the cold floor, wiggling my toes. I tilt my head back as my hands find a place on the bed behind me. I stretch for a moment, feeling my tissue under my flesh break apart and loosen up a bit. I take a deep breathe before halling myself up and tipey-toeing to my bathroom.

I reach my right hand up to the scrunchy that's been professionally tied into my hair, surly to never come out. I tug hardly before sending my left hand over my whimpering lips. It hurt a lot. I tug some more but stop when finally, the scrunchy decides to tear free from my jungled of hair. I let a deep sigh puff from my lungs
while my eyes role to the back of my head. Relieved that the pain was gone.

I wrap the hair tie around my small rist, and grab my bristled brush from the counter before stroking it through my knoted hair. I kept in the whimpers while it felt like satan himself was plucking every single one of my hair strands from my roots.

My subconsciounce is leaning against the wall with her arms folded, And a huge grin plastered across her make-uped face. She shakes her head in pure musement at me through the mirror. I feel perplex under her stare. Completely red. She was treating me none other than a child whose having a dilemma issue which I'm clearly not.

I set the brush down after the knots are fairly brushed through and I pull it back into a high pony tail. After I'm done, I look at my accomplishment through the mirror, yet, gasping once Ive noticed the faded purple galaxy-looking bruises on the crook of my neck. I trail my finger pads over the several wounds; Flinching.

Did Harry do this to me? He couldn't have? He hadn't even hickey-proofed my skin to get it to that point were it would rise blood.. atleast not a proper one. I furrow my brows even harder as I turn my head to the left and see three more. I don't even remember these?!

"He had you so wrapped up yeaterday," 'she' smirks once her eyes meet mines. "Literally" she pushes her back shoulders against the wall so she can walk closer to me. "And you liked it... Didn't you Aubrey?" she lifts up her eyebrow while I tuck my bottom lip between my teeth. I was confused? Like h*ll I was. I honestly didn't know wether I liked it or not.
"You liked it so much, that you didn't even fight back, hmm? Am I wrong?"

I don't answer, I let her finish. Boy do I feel like a kid again. "So what are you to do about it? Hmm? Run away from mummy and daddy all the way back to Harry so he can, not only finish out his mischeveous raping plan, but, kill you aswell ?.. Cause we both know that's exactly what's to happen darling," she tucks her bangs behind her ears and places her arm around my shoulder, looking right at my brown eyes through the mirror. Her touch, so fragile one couldn't even feel. Well, she is my figment of imagination. A halucinate description of my inner subconciounce.

"Now, don't we?" She smiles outgoingly as if to say she's won the battle . But what battle? The battle to making me feel like a dumb sh*t who hasn't gotten any clue on where to start my 'running away' journey other than my rapist? Kidnapper? What am I to call him? I don't even know. Then yeah.. She won.

I let a puff of agitated air out through my lips. Why must she add her three cents in all the time? She's literally controlling not only my sex life, but how to make myself feel about my own self actions.

I grab my blow dryer harshly, openly bemused and agrivated at her sudden bickermentality. Who is she to talk to me like that?! 'I' own her!

I blug in the cord, hard. Letting my anger out on this object just feels like it'll get me somewhere higher than where I'm already at. I turn it on, completely mind-cleared about my mums unknowings of my living presence here. I press the button again quick, to cease the noise, cursing to myself silently. I stare at myself through the mirror, dumbfounded. i try to listen for any sudden movement throughout the house as i think rapidly. Am I mad? She's deffenitly Hurd now! You've messed everything up!

I run to my dresser naked, opening it and tugging on a pear of whatever jeans were on the top; light skinnys . I grasp a green Aero polo and swing it over my head. I hear thumps and my heart quickens aswell as my body now being froze. Totally mind-pausing.

Someone's walking up the stairs...

I slide my feet through my sandals and I'm on my hands and knees looking effortfully for my book bag.

"Sh*t!" I whisper to myself. i lay my hand onto my bed, pushing myself from the floor onto my feet.

The foot thumps are getting louder and slower as it gets closer.. The agony!

My head switches left to right frantically while my hands shake a bit out in front of me. I clench them into fists as I let out a slow whine. Desprite for help.

There! Finally!

I run to my head board, flying the book bag over my shoulder before racing to my window. I'm so worried, I think I've actually gone numb to hearing. The sound of my heartbeat is drumming my ears and all I see is red. I lift the window up and place my foot onto the first step of the ladder that's built on the house. I put pressure onto it to make sure that it wouldn't brake, and to my fortune, it didnt.

I poked my head out the window aswell as my back. I hold onto the widow for dear life as I look down. I gulp at the sight. How did Amanda ever do this?

As soon as I lifted my last leg, the drum in my ear stopped and my breathe was held back from my subconsciounce once I herd my bedroom door open.

"What the h*ll do you think your doing?"

Oh no..


[Filler chapter+Cliffhanger!!]

I've been wanting to update so badly! Agh. Buttt, next chapter.. Can we say DRAMA. Peirced my second wholes in my ear! Now my nooooose. Anywhoo, Im just arrived back in floridaaaa. I missed home Xx

Stay classy.xx

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