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[A little smut- read at own risk]

veryone! Three laps!" I yell and the girls follow my command with ease. "Pick up the pace Chefeild! Lets go! Lets go! let's go!" and as soon as I inform her of her flaw, I watch the whole teams feet pace it up a notch. All fifteen of them run in vast speed, wanting to get over with it already .

Coach Linda called after last period informing she couldn't make it this practice and that I and captain lisa were in charge. I didn't mind taking over for a practice, but I can say that the sudden burst of authority into my hands was a surprise being tomorrow was a big day for me and the girls.

"Come on! Only one more hour left of practice and I want to Winn next game! Who's with me!?" Captain Lisa shouted, her voice coming out of the hurd of girls running all at the same speed and the echo of cheers in agreement were heard loudly. "F*ck yeah!"

A smirk plays on my lips as I pace in a small line distance' while the girls fly pass me. A ball is in my hands as well as I throw it up into the air loosely, bending my arms out as the ends were raveled together, letting the volley ball pounce against the increase of the under side of my elbows. The sound triggers me, and my adrenaline is no longer parched.

Over and over again I watch it fall directly onto my skin, flying back into the air, and its like a competition between me, myself, and I. My arms feel as if they are becoming a trampoline; the touch beginning to numb with each red hot sting. I try to make it my priority that I don't miss a peg, but when a sudden sound interrupts my train of steady thought, I miss the balls income by a centimeter, making it dart off across the gym from the corner of my left hairless arm- I grunt momentarily in my head.

"Aye, Captain Clarkson!," the sound of curiosity fills my ears, making me pause in movement and turn around towards the call with an eyebrow arched. I was clearly engaging in whom Ever was questioning.

Eve- our teams best middle receiver- is the body the voice has been let out from. Her perfect long legs jog in place while I nod in her approval in complieing with whatever she wished to set fourth. "Your phone!" She yells from all the way across the gym before glancing at it. "You've gotten a text!"

I nod quickly yet again, "Read it to me!" I say in understandment. I wondered momentarily who had texted. Surely it was important. I don't think the girls would inform me- let alone during practice- if it wasn't important.

I begin to feel anxious once I visually watch Eve once again glance down at my phone that was laid on the lower bleachers, guarded by all of the girls water bottles and cold, wet, rags that were zip locked and secured safe in our portable cooler. I notice she starts to chew at the inside of her cheek, fiddling with her fingers as she kept on glancing up from her attention being on the cellular advice. Eve then jogs helplessly across the gym over to me, very uneasy, making me unable to control my breathing.

She stops in front of my body for a minute to take a deep breathe- houching over with her hands sprawled out on her small knee's, forcing air out of both her mouth and nose- but then proceeds in initialing her quest as if to shake off every breathless intake. It was one of the things why I admired Eve and most of the girls that where placed onto this team. They never gave up in showing their best effort- always wanting to make Coach linda impressed; whom was not present today or else I would too' try and make her impressed. I smile so I don't look scared, but I'm completely nerve wrecking. I was always trembling when something felt unceasing.

"Coach Linda texted you twenty minutes ago , we need to clear out the gym at six twenty because- I don't know, something about the school sponsoring another sport last week and the coach' Principle P. hired is wanting practice for his boys every tuesday and thursday at six twenty."

And all of the blood in my face that held an accurate, yet, normal, rate, drained immediately swell as that stupid f.ucking smile. I was white. So white, I think I almost lost my balance. "Your kidding ?" I scoff in disbelieve as she vastly shakes her head side to side, no, which as she probably knew, sparked a nerve in my system as my ears and nostrils started to fume with acidic air. Eve is smart, and she steps back and away from me.

"Why the hell did he pick the days we practice!" I want to continue, I want to ramble on, but I stop myself from shouting and try to calm down. I try to find some logic of this honestly sane job of the school ministry. "You know what? fuc.k it," I laugh helplessly, giving up on even getting angry. After all, Eve probably is shi.tting her pants. "did she mention what sport was choosen?" I ask feverishly, rubbing my head in consideration.

"uhm...yeah, boxing"

My mind finds itself raking a memory of hearing that one particular word, but I'm so distracted by the careless decision made, I widen my eyes instead. "Are you serious! and they couldn't use the school fitness room?! un-Fu*king-believable this man is! honestly!" I yell to myself as I tilt my head, laughing heartlessly at the ceiling.

"Also.. erm.. captain cla-"

"what?" I agitidly snapped in pure anger of the simplest fact being, but I show a devious, psychotic, smile while I prompt my words, making it look like I was out of it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but our first ever game is tomorrow... we literally had to fight Principle P to even have Tuesdays andThursday practice ... But we're being shoved forty minuets off our time from the Activities gym? We're suppose to have the gym till seven! ; Six to seven- Coach Linda and Principle P made a deal.

"it's..." she trails as she turns a three hundred and sixty degree angle to glance at the clock that hung on the wall farther left of us. Under Eve's perfect toned skin that was unconditionally shaded pink in all the right place's, slowly started to inverse. "It's six fifteen right now" she whispers while bashfully looking towards the floor and my blood boils deep in the depths of my soul. Never because of Eve, but because of the condition we are now- as a team- put in.

"Lisa!" I call loudly for her attention before turning to actually catch her notice my income. She was turned around from running with the other girls and jogged over to me in a complete canny expression. The other girls were not so indulged on my abruptness I felt I had because it was not so loud and outbursting as I had thought, which gave me a calming cool with the swift of wind that came from the roofs air vents.

"what up?" She now stands tall in front of me, averagly in and out breathing. She was so athletic, she could take any obstacle and still have more energy as I could not.

"We've gotten Volleyball practice from six to seven, right ?"

I reisure and she looks a bit tooken back but answers after blinking twice: shocked. I would be surprised as well if someone called for my name with so much outness, yet, asks the simplest question as to reassurance . Lisa lets her head nod once as she's now rubbing her left arm as the chill now drafted onto her tissue due to her new position; under the air vent.

"well," I scoff, "Our lovely school decided it was oh-so necessary in sponsoring yet another glorious sport for Cheshire High."

Not only lisa, but Eve as well let her jaw drop. Even though Eve has already been informed of this information, the sound of it whisping of the roll of my tongue was more intimate. Cheshire High had never taken up another Sport before. It had always been Golf, Football, Hand ball, Volleyball, and tennis. "Oh- it gets better! The coach Principle P had hired requested Tuesdays and Thursdays practice.."

It was silent. Really silent. All the sound that was heard were the feet of the girls running as it rocked the floor with every thump. Sneakers squeaked against the shinny gym floor at every sharp turn, desperate to make an impression. I look back and forth between Eve and Lisa, and their speechless at how I was practically cracking. In cloud nine.

"Guess what time?" I laugh before letting Lisa try and conjure up a time as I watch her actually try and spit out an answer. Was Lisa intimidated? Baffled, maybe? Did I make her nervous with this behavior?

"He's demanded his boys practice time from six twenty to eight!" I tell her, actually yelling at myself all at once while she receives me with an eyebrow arched up at how dominant this man sounded. I let her have a moment before continuing, sinking everything in as if she hadn't reciprocated before facts that had been spilt.

"We have a game tomorrow" Lisa says bluntly and plainly, as if she was talking with no emotion- but I knew there was so much emotion behind it, she just didn't have the strength as she is in cloud line. baffled.

"well.. wh-... surly...." And suddenly she can't put together a coherent sentence. "what has coach Linda said? surely she's fought back, no?"

I shake my head no, just as fumed as she now was, and she sends her hands to her hair, grabbing at it while it was still in a high pony tail. I look up at the huge clock hanging in the gym that Eve had glanced at minutes ago, and reads exactly six twenty on the dot.

"no, no, no.. " I squeak alarmingly, my voice rigid as I try and push the huge lump in my throat back down my tube of a throat. I want to cry, cry because we hadn't had even the least time to practice, but I fight it. Mrs. Kinkqueen, surprisingly, helps the urge. I was skeptic about the generosity, but I took it.

"It's alrea-"

I was cut of by the aggressive shouting of strong, deep, already-hit-puberty, men voices echoed through the activities gym once one set of the huge, medaled doubled doors that were built on each sides of the gymnasium were shoved open, making not only me, but the girls jump as well, as these men 'Talked' ..

"More like yell.ed." My conciounce advices. I agree.

"Coach Linda, I am surely aware that I've askin permission for the gym Tuesdays and Thursdays at exactly this time. So why are you and your ... Posse, still here? Hmm?" A tall, tan, buff guy covered in only a tank and gym shorts asks once he's infront of me. I spot the few tattoo's that scatter his muscular arms, and one stands out- so stereotypical being you would not guess in a million years a man of that definition would have inked it upon him. A flower with pedels falling off. There was a quote in script, and since I'm not blind, It read

"Every pedal, is every moment I think of you, and the twist is; They never stop falling- My darling Aslia"

I try and think whom Aslia could be, as if I'm suppose to know her, but I'm distracted when in the corner of my eye, I watch my girls scatter behind me as his 'boys' stand cross armed behind him. They stood with mean broad shoulders and intimidating grins, like they owned the place, but at the same time not caring about anything than either wanting to get practice done and over with. .There was about a dozen and four men overtaking the sixteen of us. If the only sound Everyone could hear was our insides, there would be an orchestra of pounding heart drums.

"Coach Linda is absent today, I'm Captain Clarkson. This is Captain Lisa," I gesture to my left at Lisa, and she's not smiling. "we are in-charge. I just checked my phone and I noticed my coach had informed me in advance that you we-"

I stop in mid sentence as I had scanned the crowd behind him. I shortly scope out that attractive boy Lamar from first period wearing nothing but tight, black, shorts- hot. He really does do almost all of the sport in cheshire.. I flush when he spots me raking him with my eyes, and I glance around at whats left of the ..litter of muscled men. It's then when I feel myself physically stop breathing when I reach the end of the crowd. I'm now eye to eye with the likely culprit with pushed back wavy brown hair, and I can't help but go dry in the mouth, and wet down.. there.

Mrs.kinkQueen is already hiking up her skirt, waiting for his wonder-like fingers to bring her attention and non other, arousal. I wondered what Mrs.KinkQueen would look like if she was standing in front of me? I picture her as an eighties teen, with long ratty light brow hair- but she pulls it off like she was queen B. Make-up smearing her face perfectly. Tight, maroon flowered, crop shirt that only covered her cleavage and half of her ribs cage, a tight, leather, skirt that ended mid thigh, torn up maroon stockings, and a pair of black doc Martins. Perfect toned skin, great legs, a bit on the short side, guys attracting to her like magnets- and she gives them what they want with pure ease and plays off innocence the day after all the ruff housing.

You're basic slut, right ?

"Well this basic slut is you" she snaps as if she'd actually gotten hurt some what.

I furrow my brows at her heated dispensable outburst, but it must've looked like I was making this face towards Harry because he soon lets his dimples occur, being I found him, and I shift my legs uncomfortably. He stood in the very back while he brought his index and middle finger to his mouth, spreading them as a 'V' sign before his tongue escapes his mouth, wiggling it side by side in his long fingered 'V'. My eyes widen at his actions, and I suddenly start to go numb everywhere. This is so mad, yet I find it incredibly breathe taking. Did I want this man to do that to me? Why did I feel.. I dunno, flattered that he was initiating that proposal towards me? The things this man can do just by an action. Harry drops his fingers, letting a smirk linger like he knew what I was thinki- ... I almost forgot he could hear what I was thinking


I snap my focus back to the muscular man an I'm helplessly back on track. "Umm, in other words, we'll be leaving now" I stutter. The sound of confusing words escaped my teams mouths behind me as I order them to gather their stuff quickly.

"I'll explain when we get outside, girls"

On our way out, my ears become extremely sensitive as I can scope out every whisper that is shared- and there not pleasing. Once infront of the school, everyone drops there bags, crossing their arms, turning to face me as if I was the problem.

It doesn't take long until one of the girls shout out their opinions as they all stood in a huddled circle, protesting. "That's absolutely mad! They can't do that!"

I bring my hand up to my head while I shut my eyes tight. "I know, I know girls but what the h*ll am I to do about it? We just have to suck it up, an trust that whatever reason Coach Linda has chosen about this situation is a well one at that"

Everyone sighs and bags being picked up or shook were heard, making me slowly open my eyes in relief.

"Seven o'clock sharp girls, Coach's place, no tarties! We have our first game and nothing is to be screwed up!" I manage while there heading to the scattered parking lot, some either hitching a ride with someone else or driving home separately.

Much "alright"'s were heard as I send them off, wishing them a safe ride home. They were all pi.ssed, no doubt. We were going to loose with the lack of practice, and we all knew it. I hear a cough behind me, and I turn around slowly to see Captain Lisa .

"Hey babe, you've gotten everything under control?" She asks while putting her water bottle in her bag.

"Yeah," I sigh. "Just need to get my things from the locker room and I'm good to go" I try to put on a fake smile, but it works poorly.

"Yeh, alright then love, drive safe please? No stressing, were going to smash it tomorrow!" She hugs me tightly and a smile creeps onto my lips' fully. She was always so happy and excited.

"You think?" I squeeze her tighter, showing affection.

"I'm sure" she whispers, and we part. She holds my hands gently as she's walking away, letting them slip voluntarily.

I wave her off and we turn in sync, heading our opposite ways; her heading for her vehicle, and I towards the gym doors. I take a deep breathe, before walking to it, prepping for whatever breathtaking action I would see again.


I gasp at Mrs.KinkQueens need. She never was afraid to admit her needs, so I shouldn't be surprised. I should be used to this, but I some how am not.

I never knew Harry boxed? Was that what sport he played? Why did he pick boxing? Was it his 'get-away-from-life' type of cureness? Had it been his hobby? maybe something he's done since he was only a little one? Did it make him strong?

Oh god. That's .. Hot..

Miss.KinnkQueen has awoken 0once again in less that one minute and she's feeding for that hot, sweaty, muscled man to approach on us like fire. Touch her and never stop. She'd fulfill him like there was no tomorrow. So desperate, she is.

I grip around the door handle with my right hand as my left is holding my bag, and she holds her breath. She's so ready to be wrapped around him, rubbing his naughty spot until he begs for her, yet, there'd be no begging because she'd offer before hand. I try to push her out of my mind but she's trying her best to stay ground.

I swing it open hard, while my hair fly to the back of me. I watch as pairs of strong teenage men were scattered around the gym with plenty of space in between. Throwing punches at each other, protecting their faces with padded knuckles and helmets.

I tug on my bottom lip a bit, nervous to where their Coach was. As if on Que., something taps my shoulder and I jump around quick.

I breath heavily even if it was their Coach.
I desperately try to find a calm thought, so I don't look as scared as I shouldn't be.

"Oh, coach ..." I stop, forgetting his name. Did he even tell me it?

"Coach Carter" he says stiffly and I nod with a half smile.

"Right, I was just passing through to the lady's locker room. Don't mind me"

"Mhm, very well. make it quick, I don't like when my boys are distracted. And judging by the droll on their faces.. Their highly distracted." I frown and turn around to find every guy there, starring at me.

"DID I SAY TO F*CKING STOP!?" A Grunt leaves the mans lips behind me and I jump. I blink twice before my shoulder was pushed forward, making me stumble forward a bit. I watch as the muscular coach not dare look back while he walks away. I send him the most disgusted face. Did he honestly just push me with his shoulder? what a prick.

I walk with my head down on the sides of the gym walls while punching sounds where heard and quite discrete encouragement was shouted.

"Hit on me harder, p*ssy! Harder b*tch!"

"Is that all you've gotten to offer? Huh! Show me how strong you are rookie!"

"Bloody dodge in already! Yeah! Stick'em!"

Jesus, if I hadn't seen what was happening or had any clue in what was taking place, I'd think it was a d*mned s*x train.

I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and open the door that was on the other side of the gymnasium. I walk to my left and then a quick right, swinging the locker room door open and quickening towards my locker. I pause as I see my locker door creek side to side. I stalk over to it, confusion filling me.

I wrap my fingers onto the built-in lock on the locker door, turning it with my thumb and index finger while I look around behind me. Did I leave it open ?

I shrug my shoulders as I shake my head, lightly, in disbelief. As I do this, I find my self flinching my head upwards, looking at the now-flicking light. On and off, on and off. I go to reach up and sturdy the light bulb but it turns off completely. All there is, is the light from a fair amount of windows on the ceiling. I let my hand slowly drop down while I turn my body towards my open locker, intruding it.

I grab ahold of my jogging pants, and sports bra, pulling it out of the locker, yet, dropping it onto the floor once I've seen something running in the corner of my eye, making me turn my body quick against the lockers, breathing heavy while I stare to the left of me. An empty hall.

I shut my eyes closed tight, heaping. What the hell was that? Was I seeing things?

A loud rigid sound echoed from two locker rows away through the room and I squeeze my eyes even tighter. It sounded as if someone were to grab a medal stick, And glide it across multiple closed lockers.

I back myself even more into the lockers behind me, scared sh*tless. I soon hear foot steps from a locker wall away and I'm trembling in my legs.

It's now silent and the silence is killing me. I tilt my head upwards, praying to god that i was dreaming. I fight myself on the thought of opening my eyes, but come to a conclusion that there's nothing there. I'm just imagining stuff like I've been imagining things since weeks ago.

I crack my eyes open a bit, and all I see are black dots. I widen them and it comes clear once a puff of faint air was blown onto the bridge of my nose, and the black pupils grow wider under my mini heart attack. My eyes grow more wider, alerted, while my hands grab the persons jacket in fists, trying to push him out onto the floor so that I could run away but he felt like stone.

I look down at my grip and let out a confused air take. I shake the person while my grip is still tight, but they still wouldn't budge. I look up, and the persons' hovering me, preventing light to cascade over their face and reveal their identity. Though it was dark, I could still make out the edgy smirk being formed slowly at my frantic, failed, get away.

"You're to not move.." The deep voice commands as his mouth opens wider, letting me get a look of the two long, white, teeth on either side of his row. "An inch..." He finishes with a whisper and I automatically recognize it. His eyes pool up, and there shiny. I gulp in response.

I push more onto his chest but he's to strong and to close to my heaping body. Harry looks down, and slowly shakes his head twice.

"I'd thought," In all quickness, he grabs my chin, hard. "You'd, by now, understand what a man like me, is capable of, no?" He looks up slowly, creepily.

He pulls my chin close to his face in lighting speed, his moves so.. Paranormal and static. "Mrs. Clarkson," he whispers, leaving a gap of silence. I search his face for any signs of living strength, but his chest is not moving.

I twitch my sight up to his face, and his eyes are oh-so-slowly, moving upwards. Once it looks like he's starring at my forehead, his eyes flip inside of his sockets, and roll back up from the bottom, showing his black pupils again.

I gasp loudly and go to scream, but his free hand drapes over my mouth so it's all muffled. My face shakes in his grasp, traumatized. I just witnessed a mans eyes roll to the back of his head .. That's unbelievable. Insane!

"Tomorrow, after school, my house... Or, I will find you" his stare darts to my lips quickly, and flinches the side of his lips up' once, as well as his head . His moves are all to fast to process, but it was as if he just had a one second spasm.

"I-I have plans" I stutter and he leans into my ear, and my heart races, and thumps for him. I hold in my breath, my mouth ajar as his presence' extremely tempting. He pushes his body onto mines and my legs turn into noodles. I grab onto his neck, pushing him even closer to me, a groan was pushed out of him.

My conciounce is sweating her of from being "teased' way to long. And for once, I feel the same as her.

I want him to touch me like I'd once thought of someone doing' like they loved me. He might bite, but to h*ll with that. Aggression is what he is and I want it.. Hard. Was that normal?

A laugh rumbles from his chest and onto mines and I close my eyes slowly, biting my lip, picturing him on top of me, pleasuring me with his every need. And I' under him, giving this man everything he wants. Slower' even.

But I can't let him get to me. I can't fall for it. I'll have to fake it. Fake it all, until my moment comes. And when it does, ill squeeze him until he understands, that I am no servant in which I will do no obeying .

I feel both hands leave my face, running over my sports bra, arousing me more. I hadn't even noticed they were holding my face.

"Touching, is what you desire, hmm?" Harry asks in my ear, and a fake whimper leaves my lips, making me stiffen at how real it actually sounded.

"You see... My gift in hearing what you think' only allows me to reciprocate your feelings towards me," he saunters. "And what you feel, is something I want to perform on you.. Times three" he whispers and I shiver.

Times.. Three?!

He kisses my ear, and brings my earlobe into his mouth, sucking on it. I grab ahold of his hair as his fingertips drizzle down my body. He turns his left palm towards my body and slips it into my black sofie shorts.

I quickly build my self nervousness, but I hold myself together for what's to come after this. Revenge.

His knee barges in between my legs, spreading them wide. His long fingers lay against my underwear, teasing me.

Aubrey, don't get lured.

"Do you want much more, Mrs. Clarkson?" Harry whispers against my ear, kissing under neath my wet earlobe, and sucking till my blood rises to my skin

He does one swirl with his clever fingers over my bundle of joy and my eyes roll to the back of my head, pleasure overtaking me. much... So good...

"Please" I say faintly, rolling my head upwards, giving Harry more access to my neck, only to leave those wet bruises all over me.

Oh my, look at me! I'm falling hard! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

"Do you want me to rub you more, Baby?" Harry says over my open lips and another whimper seeps out while I nod once. This time, it was real. My hands clench even more on his shirt. I let go and slide down to his waste, pulling him closer. He slips out of my shorts quick to stop my traveling hands; grabbing my wrists and pining them to the lockers.

I notice how strong he was and that pulled me back together. The things this man could do to me if I'd stepped out of line.. I can't even..

I frown a bit, making him think I didn't like the fact that his touch was gone.
I open my eyes, and he's looking down at me.

"Want me .." I say, trying to sound as realistic as can be.

I duck my head towards under his, kissing his skin once. He doesn't flinch. I kiss again, and his neck moves closer to me while I breathe heatedly onto it. It's like I've bewitched him in some sort, cause the next move I make, he lets me continue, and I'm shocked myself.

Somehow, I've crept my tiny hands into his pants, and I squeeze lightly onto his hard on. He grunts into my hair and I grin. It's working.

I unbutton his pants, and they slide down by their selves.

"Mm, Mr. Styles, I think you need to find someone to take care of this situation.. Fast" I whisper as Im needing him dramatically slow.

I look up from my lashes and I see he's leant on my forehead with his eyes directly on me.

"Someone like.." I slip my hand into his Calvin kliens . I grab him in my hand slowly, pushing the rest of the underwear down more to his thighs. "Me?" I more of state, while I let a gentle squeeze to him.

He shuts his eyes tight as he pants over me, saying my name in a whisper tone.

"That's it, Harry. Tell me what naughty things you want me to do to you?" I whisper against his neck while I move my hand to the top of his, pressuring as I go down.

"Jesus, Aubrey" he says against my nose bridge, nearly choking on his own words.
"I... uhh yeah baby." Harry lets his eyes roll to the back of his head, obviously enjoying this.

His length twitches in my hand, and I graze my lips on his structured chin.

"Tell me you want me... tell me how good you can make me feel Harry.. How badly you want to touch me" I sync and at this moment, I almost too' fall for my own lie.

"Faster, god, oh," he moans and it's the sexiest thing ever, but I don't obey.
Harry repeats his words but I still don't listen. He then lays his hand over mine, to speed up the friction, but I squeeze him un-normaly.

I hear Harry take in his breath; gasping; as his deflates under my hand. I've made him so vulnerable, he can't even speak.

His eyes are wide once he looks down, and it's like I've pulled his guts out. I walk two steps forward, and he follows with taking two uncontrollable steps bag.

"Good boy.." I comment, and he slowly looks back down with his mouth open, no doubt terrified if his boys were even going to make it alive under my death-choosing torture..

"Now, I'm only going to say this once, and you better listen clearly," I whisper while I push him onto the long sitting bench. I bend down to his level, and Harry's face has turned a bit purple as if he can not breathe.

I squeeze harder once I've gotten up to his left ear and a manly cry comes from his throat. He's panting, but he's in pain, Surly.

"I will not obey anything you say, do I make myself clear? And if you try in pushing me around, I will do with you as Im doing now, but... Three times worse"

He gulps, and his hands are trying so hard to pry my hand from his man hood, but I'm not finished speaking.

"And do you know what that is, Harry?" I ask, and he sounds to be in excruciating pain. I move my head in front of him so that I can see his pathetic face.

"I will rip.. your mother fu.cking c.ock off" I spat as I let go aggressively. His hands wrap around his long pe.nis, savoring the moment of it not being dead or whatever fu.cking guys pray about.

; wise.

I hit my hand against his chest, making his fragile body fall backwards hard to the floor, no doubt hurting his back in a painful way. He yelps, several curses flying after that. I huff a laugh as he calls me a "god dam.ned b.ich", cause I know I am one. I turn around to walk out, but I stop, finding the perfect last words. I turn slightly, and he's peered up at me, a look of disgust, and I quirk the left side of my mouth up into a smirk,

"Revenge is a bloody bi.tch, huh?"


I feel like this was what chapter is your favorite?! Mine is ch.10!


-Mone' the writer Xx

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