Homeless Fighter

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I would like to say I do not own any photo's unless stated otherwise. This does include the cover.


this is Dylan. The extended link is Emery.


For the last four years, it’s been me and my brother Dylan. Nobody else since the moment my druggie mother drove off in the car with my father, who didn’t dare look back. That was the day I swore to never trust anyone but Dylan ever again.

“Steer clear of Norfolk Road, okay?”

He glanced at me and nodded. Lately he’s been getting picked on at school by the popular kids. Me and him both go to the high school in our town considering three years ago the middle school burned down. And our town isn’t financially able to rebuild another.

“Okay Gracie,”

I smiled at Dylan. My real name is Emery. He calls me Gracie because it’s my middle name and when he was little, he didn’t like calling me by my name. He wanted something different.

“I have to go to The Pit tonight. I’ll give you some money and you can go out with your friends.”

“Cool. Mason invited me over, I was gonna ask. So I’ll just go there.”

We finally arrived at the giant school. A few girls glared my way but were soon shoved to the side as my friend Evie ran towards me with her little brother Derek. 

“Emmy! Ron has been looking all over for you.”


“He finally found you a fighting partner.”

That’s what The Pit is, a fighting club. Every fight you win, you get $500. If you lose you get a little over $100. It’s the only thing bringing money in for now.

“I don’t need a partner.”

Just the idea sent me in a bad mood. To just think about having someone to “help me out” during the ring matches gets me mad. Nobody will be there to help you when you’re in a real fight. Nobody is there to back you up; especially if you’re alone.

“Gracie, I’m going to homeroom.”

“Bye D. I’ll find you after school.”

Him and Derek walked off. For a kid who barely hit puberty, Dylan was taller than me. He stood at almost 5’6 while I’m sadly three inches shorter. He was also very handsome, which I think gets people far in life. But I could be wrong.

“Em, just think about it! Having the opportunity to make more money for you and Dylan? That’s what you wanted, right?”

“Keep it down! Of course Evie, I would do anything. But get a partner.”

She growled.

“Just meet him?”

“If it makes you get off my fucking back, fine!”

See? Bad mood. We both entered the school almost bumping shoulders. Most people don’t know how to move out of the way, so some times I move them for them. We skipped up the steps, dodging every other one, until we made it to the second floor.

“Ready to take on Ms. Fern?”

Evie questioned. I pulled up my hood around my nest of hair and nodded.


Ms. Fern is the most stiff teacher ever. She’s strict, mean, and doesn’t take anyone’s shit. Including mine. 

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