Homeless Fighter

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Our heads snapped into the direction we heard the voice. My heart stopped and a cold sweat broke out all over my body. But it was only Ron and Evie.

“Holy shit guys, don’t do that!”

They busted out into fits of laughter. We walked out of the school together, talking about complete nonsense. Until Ron turned to me.

“We’re meeting Aiden today. So look your best.”


He sighed.

"Your new fighting partner."

“Yeah, okay.”

I said sarcastically. Evie opened the car doors to her truck and we all piled in one at a time. I didn’t have my license because I never got my permit. My mother needed to be with me.

“My apartment and then The Pit. Dylan’s coming along.”

It was only second period in school, Mason wouldn’t be home yet. Evie did as told though, even if she knew that I hated Dylan at The Pit. 

“Oh Emmy, I have a new job offering for you. We’ll talk later.”

“Alright. Chat me up when I’m getting ready.”


That had to mean it was serious. Dylan couldn’t know? She stopped outside of the shitty apartment I call home and I quickly grabbed the bag that hung on the coat rack. Evie sped all the way to the abandoned arena as rushed me inside, leaving Dylan with Ron.

“My dad wants you apart of our business.”

“Your dad wants me in your gang?”

She hushed me and looked around some more.

“It’s not a gang per say. All we do is high-top missions involving murderers and robbers. We help the police without them knowing we’re helping.”

“Is it legal?”

“Does that matter? The Pit isn‘t legal.”

“So you want me to join your illegal gang to help cops catch bad guys?”

She chuckled nervously before adding a few perks.

“There are super cool guns and stuff.”

I was hesitant.

“How much?”

“You would make one million a year if you do one mission once a month.”

This would take some deep consideration. Dylan would always question where I’m going and who I’m with, especially if I have to leave him behind. But one million a year would do wonders for us. We could finally upgrade to a better apartment instead of this rundown one. 

“Can I get back to you on it?”

“Of course Em.”

She left the changing room so I could have my privacy. I quickly changed into my short shorts and sports bra and pulled my hair back into a ponytail. My running shoes were already on my feet by the time I left the room to meet up with everyone. Mel, The Pit’s owner, greeted me.

“Hello Blaze, shouldn’t you be in school?”

“Should be. But the coppers were looking for me and D. So we snuck out.”

“Always the risk taker.”

Blaze is my fighting name. So if we were to get caught, nobody could be found when we all got away. Mel offered me the ring and called a buff guy to fight me. He happily accepted.

“Good luck, Blaze. Cause I‘m going to destroy you.”

“Don’t need luck.”

I retorted. Dylan came up to me and told me to take him down. He hugged me and went to sit down.

“Aw how cute. The champ came to wish you luck.”

Anger rippled through me. Nobody said anything about Dylan and got away with it. He was my world, no one can hurt him without a fight. The bell rang.

“Bring it, bitch.”

I spat. The man charged at me and threw a punch. I swerved and ended up catching his fist, only to flip him over. His leg swung and hit the back of my knees causing me to collapse on top of him. I landed elbows first, causing him to grunt. 

“Give up Princess.”


He shoved me off, causing me to roll out of the ring. It was a six foot drop and I landed on my hip. The pain shot up into my shoulder, but I still got up and back in the fight. I swung and hit him right in the jaw, making him lose his balance. The crowd was chanting.

“Blaze, Blaze, Blaze!”

My smirk seemed to anger him, because he kicked me in the gut. My body bounced off the ropes and into the man. I was starting to get tired. My back hit his chest as he grabbed my waist. Big mistake. I swung my elbow back and one blow to his temple and he was knocked out.

“Winner, Blaze!”

Mel shouted into the microphone. I gathered my money and found Dylan, Evie, and Ron. They all hugged me.

“That was so badass!”

Ron congratulated. I laughed.

“Well I need to buy food for me and D.”

“Not until you meet your partner.”

Evie sang. I glared at her and before I could tell her off, a very good-looking boy with wavy brown hair and gorgeous green eyes was in front of me.

“Hi I’m Aiden.”

Suddenly, my knees felt wobbly.

Homeless Fighter (ON HOLD FOR EDITING PURPOSES)Where stories live. Discover now