Chapter 2

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"Come on A.J. Hurry up! "Dude slow down. It's not like a matter of life and death." "Will be if your HP hits zero!" "Oh, right." "Big brother you can be so weird." "Yeah yeah." It's been four weeks since we logged on and we bought a house in the forest. It's on the edge of a safe zone so we are safe. At least I hope so.

"Um A.J. somethings wrong. Did mom leave the door open for us?" "Not that I remember. Grab your sword just in case." "On it." I pull out my sword I named Calvant. My brother pulls out his sword he calls Calibur. We approach the door and hear scuffling and a strange man saying this, "Where is your children. One in particular made a friend of the wrong person." "I'm going I'm A.J." "What?! No! Get back-" Before he could finish I sprinted into the room. What I saw will torment me for the rest of my life. My parents were forced to the floor by men in black cloaks with swords to their necks. "What's going on? Who are you? Why are you here?" One of the group of three slowly walked over to me and said, "Well well. Looky at what we have here. A kid with his family. How cute.

"W-wh-what do you want?" "Me? I want to help you. Simply help you remove a burden so you can become the solo player you've always wanted. You idolize that idiot Kirito don't you?" "I've only heard about him. I don't really want to be a solo player either." "Sure. Well we'll help you anyways. Do you know how convenient it is to be right next to the outer rim of the safe-zone? I'll show you."

Before I knew what was happening the strange man paralyzed me and ordered his goon to drag my parents outside. Then I remembered, I have an ally. I hope A.J. will stop this. In fact I'm sure if it. I see A.J. leap from is hiding spot just outside the door. The catch was that these were organized people and we were inside a safe-zone. They quickly paralyzed my brother and dragged him along too.

"Stop! Please stop! Why are you doing this?" "For your own good kid. Now we give you a choice. Join us, and we'll leave you alone until we need you, or run. If you choose to run your family will follow you unharmed and we will not track you. "I choose to run then." A smile creeped along the man's face as he gave a secret signal. All of a sudden my family was pulled out of the safe-zone and sword cut straight through their chests'. "NO!!!" "Run Jonathan, we love you--." Their HP hit zero. I was now a solo player.

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