Chap 1/1

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''Netflix and chill?'' your boyfriend text you.

You scoffed at the text from Baekhyun. "Only if we're REALLY gonna watch Netflix and chill,'' you replied.

''We'll see what happens (;'' he sent back.

You shifted on your living room couch, pursing your lips. ''Okay...but stop and get some food on the way here''

''Of course princess. See you soon~''

You locked your phone, throwing it down on the couch before getting up to straighten up your apartment before Baekhyun arrived. You cleared away the livingroom, bathroom, and was working on the few dishes that sat in the sink when your doorbell rang.

''Coming!" You called out, putting the last dish in the dishwasher, walking to the front door. You peeked through the peep hole, Baekhyun staring off into space.

''Hey, ugly!" You said, slowly opening the door.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes. ''I wouldn't be your boyfriend if you thought I was ugly.'' His free hand snaked around your waist, lips coming in for a quick kiss before he let you go.

You smirked at him. ''What'd you bring me to eat?''

''Maaaaybe some Chinese food. Maybe.'' He walked over to your dining room table, sitting the bag down.

''Why must you always play games with me?''

''Because, it's fun? Duh?'' Baekhyun pulled off his coat, sitting on the back of the chairs as he opened the bag, revealing two takeout plates. He grabbed the one on top, handing it to you. ''For you. It's hot, watch it.''

You carefully grabbed the takeout plate, hissing, before quickly sitting it on the table.''Damn, it's hot!"

He laughed to himself. ''Yeah, they made it fresh.'' Baekhyun grabbed his own plate, going to get comfortable on your couch. ''You coming or not? I can Netflix and chill by myself, hell.''

You rolled your eyes, using your shirt as a heat barrier for the food, sitting next to Baekhyun. He sat his plate on the coffee table, picking up the remote. ''So, what are you in the mood for? Besides me?''

''Ew. No. I don't know, just find something.''

''Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....'' Baekhyun scrolled through movie after movie, stopping on The Babadook. ''The Babadook.'' He erupted into laughter, so loud that it made you jump. You stared at him with wide eyes as he continued to say ''babadook'', followed by outrageous laughter.

''Oh, yeah, we're watching this.'' He clicked the play button, sighing, before looking over at you. ''Babadook.''

You narrowed your eyes. ''I don't like you.''

''You love me.''

''I mean, I guess.'' You grabbed your takeout plate, getting comfortable before beginning to eat. The movie started off with a random woman falling through mid-air, before tumbling through what looked like a car accident.

Well, this would be an interesting movie.

Wherever Baekhyun went to get Chinese food, gave you enough to last about two days. It didn't take you long to get full--you sat the rest of your food on the coffee table. ''Man, they give you a lot of food.''

Baekhyun made a noise of agreement, continuing to eat. You laid down, feet resting in his lap. He tickled the bottom of your foot with his free hand, making your foot kick out as you laugh. ''No, no tickling tonight.''

''I'll tickle you when I get good and ready.'' He sat his food on the coffee table as well, turning to lay sideways in the couch. You sat up, only to lay on Baekhyun. His hands grabbed yours, fingers intertwining as you both focused on the movie. An ignorant movie. What was the Babadook anyways? Was it a demon? Human? Why was it summoned through a children's story book? This movie had too many damn plot holes to be even remotely enjoyable.

You were glad when it was over, but mad because it left you with so many questions. Especially the ending. '' lives in her basement and she feeds it.''

''Yeah, remember her son said that the Babadook never leaves. So, it's stuck with them forever.''

''Why is it now stuck in the basement, but could move freely throughout the rest of the movie?''

''I don't know. Just how it is.''

You sat up to look at Baekhyun. He laughed, shrugging. You sighed, laying back on him. ''I should fight you for picking that movie.''

''Let's go, then.''

''Nah. Too lazy.''

''Of course.'' He kissed your head, stopping the movie and handing you the remote. ''Your turn.''

''Good, I know how to pick an actually good movie. ''

''Whaaatever. Or, I know something else we can do.'' Baekhyun's hand slid between your inner thighs. You tightened your thighs around his hand. ''Not today, Satan.''

He erupted into laughter. ''Satan? That's who you think I am?''

''No, that's who I know you are. Satanhyun.''

You never heard Baekhyun laugh so hard before. Was it really that funny? ''Is it that funny?''

''Yeah! You know I think your the funniest person I know.'' His hand wiggled between your thighs. ''Can I get my hand back?''

''Hmmm maybe..'' You felt a slight throb between your thighs. You never had orgasms so intense before you were with Baekhyun. He knew exactly what to do to make you cum so hard that it felt like the world was spinning. ''You're free to go.'' You spread your thighs, his hand motionless. It slid further up between your thighs. They slowly rubbed your entrance through your shorts. You moaned softly, pausing your movie search. He pushed your pajama shorts to the side, his fingers rubbing up and down your entrance, one finger ever so often slipping inside. You felt yourself getting wetter and wetter, Baekhyun slipping two fingers into you, bending them against your walls. ''Fuck,'' you nearly yelled, slowly grinding your hips on his fingers. He momentarily moved them in unison with your hips, before moving up, two fingers spreading your lips as one went to rub your clit. ''O-oh, Baekhyun!'' Your legs trembled as you grinded against his finger, lips agape. ''Oh, shit,'' you gasped, eyes rolling back as you attempted to keep them open. Baekhyun's other hand slid under your shirt, squeezing your breast before rubbing your nipple.

You moaned loudly, a bit of drool sliding down your chin. ''Ugh, yes, Baekhyun!''

He slowly rubbed your clit, before going back to thrust his fingers, ever so often bending them as his other hand tweaked and pulled at your nipple. You spread your of thighs wider, one leg resting on the coffee table as the other went to the top of the couch. Baekhyun drove his fingers deeper, thrusting them quick. A noise filled the room from you being so wet and you gasped, gripping his sweatpants. ''Oh f-fuck!'' Your legs began to tremble, Baekhyun kissing your shoulder and neck as your orgasm came through, your moans turning into screams. You slowly came down from your high, your voice turning into a whisper as you collapsed against Baekhyun. His fingers ran against your soaking wet entrance, before slipping out of your shorts, going to his mouth. The hand under your shirt, ran against your skin before sliding out. Baekhyun hugged you with both arms. ''I love you.''

''I love you, too.''

He kissed your cheek softly, resting his head against yours. Your body was still on fire and you were beyond exhausted.

That fucking Baekhyun.

Netflix And Chill (with Baekhyun)Where stories live. Discover now