Chapter 22

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"Meet baby Fitz"

"Aria?.. What the breadstick is this?" Hanna asked as she grabbed the ultrasound from the wooden table.

"It's not a breadstick Hanna, it's a pumpkin seed" I chuckled

"What? Is this a pumpkin seed? You literally swallowed a pumpkin seed?" Spencer asked as she grabbed it out of Hanna's hands.

"Jeez Spence, thought you were the smart one" I said as I raised my brows.

"Of course it's not a pumpkin seed, it's a baby" Emily said as she grabbed the picture on her turn.

"Guys, she's pregnant" Ezra dryly stated

"You are?!!! Omg! I'm so happy for you!" Spencer screeched as she pulled me in a hug.

"Yup, I'm proud to say we're expecting a little baby" I said and smiled to Ezra. Everytime I'm talking about our baby, his eyes lit up a little bit, and he isn't even noticing. It's one of the many reasons I'm so madly on love with him

"Aren't babies always little?" Hanna asked

"God Hanna I normally don't say this but you're really stupid" Ezra laughed

"Thanks Ezra love you too" Hanna said as she blew him a kiss.

"Hey hey, he's already mine" I smirked as I nudged Hanna's shoulder

"But Aria, I'm so happy for you! We're gonna be aunties!" Emily yelled and looked at the picture one more time.

"Yes, yes you are. But, no spoiling him or her, that task is up to Ezra and me" I laughed as I grabbed the picture and put it back in my purse

"Oh, we will Aria, we will" Hanna laughed as she grabbed her purse.

"I think we should go home now, I want to show my parents the pictures" I said to Ezra. He nodded and stood up from his chair.

"Hanna, Emily, Spencer, it was so good to see you again! I missed you so much! I'm glad we're back together" I smiled and gave them a hug. Hanna was the last one, and when she hugged me she wishpered something in my ear.

"Ar, I know I don't get to say anything about your love life, but please, please keep this one. He's really cool"  I pulled back and gave her a smile.

"Don't worry Han, I will" I said, grabbed Ezra's arm and walked to the car.

"your friends are really cool" he said as he opened the car door for me.

"WE KNOW WE ARE!" Spencer yelled from the other side of the parking lot, they must've heard us.

"BYE SPENCE!" I laughed and Ezra closed the car door.  "Such a gentleman" I smiled as he sat down on the drivers seat.

"Anything for you darling" he smiled as he kissed my head. We drove back home, humming to the songs that were  playing on the radio. When we arrived at home I practically jumped from my seat and ran inside. Ezra soon followed me, but when I opened the door I saw the only one home was mom.

"Hey mom!" I yelled and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

"Hey Ar" she smiled and I sat down next to Ezra on the couch.

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