Chapter Two

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Suddenly I was blinded as some unseen person flipped on the lights. "Surprise!" everyone yelled, some with megaphones. Good thing this room was soundproof, or we'd be in so much trouble with my parents. Or, no, I guess I wouldn't be. From what I could see, they were in on this with Claire and probably the rest of our grade.
Unsure of how I could ever top this, I caught Zoë's eyes from across the room and mouthed,"Wow." She nodded her head in agreement and weaved through the crowd to be by my side.
"I knew people liked us," she comments, gesturing to the ever-growing pile of gifts.
"But I didn't think we were that popular."
"Neither did I," I say before following my parents' heads out the door. They were on the terrace when I caught up to them, arm in arm. I stopped myself just before I turned the knob, as I didn't want to interuppt their conversation.
"L, don't you think she's old enough to know wh-" my mom is cut off.
"No. She isn't."
"But she should know who her fam-"
"And she will. When the time is right."
With that, I open the doors and walk onto the balcony. My dad looks quite flustered while Mom has a glimmer of tears in her eyes. They made up their excuses, that their little girl was growing up and how unbelievable it was.
I put a mask of surprise and happiness on my face and ask," Who planned all this? It's amazing!"
Then my dad starts boasting,"Well..."
"To be honest with you, it was all Claire's idea. We only provided food and-"
"Thank you guys so much!" I gush. "Now go enjoy your evening! Maybe go out to dinner?" I hugged them goodbye and ushered them out the door and downstairs, wanting to only be with people from school.
Once they were gone I headed back to the party where everyone was either dancing or drinking sodas. I went into my room to dump some of my gifts onto the bed.
When I got there, Nadia was on her phone out on the platform.
Nadia was a willowy person with lovely blond hair that was currently styled in a bun with a few strands of curled hair framing her face. She was nice, though we hardly talked to each other anymore due to her transferring to a private school. Back in elementary, no one could separate us. We had been best mates until Nadia got a bit mad when I left her for Claire and Zoë.
Nadia motioned for me to come join her on the balcony. "How's life been?" she asked.
"Fine," I said. "How's your's been?" I repeated her question.
"Oh, you know. The usual busyness." She slid over a gift bag. "Work, homework, babysitting, volunteer work."
"Wow. Don't get much free time these days, do you?"
"Nope, but I kinda like being this busy. And to know I'm helping others is worth it," she shared her opinion. She waggled her fingers at me,"Go on! Open it already!"
I laugh. "You seem more excited than me!" I then set the contents of the bag on the table so I can open each one. I look at the card first, one that Nadia designed on a website. Her card held a small poem that asked me to hang out with her soon at the mall's spa. Also in the card was movie tickets, a $30 iTunes card, a spa gift card, and a 100 dollar check. Had I mentioned that her family is rich?
"Yes," I say, agreeing to go to the mall with her soon. I lift off the lid of one of the boxes. Inside was a delicate locket that was studded with rubies (my birthstone) and diamonds. I opened the locket, and saw a picture of Nadia and I from the last time we had hung out together.
I looked up at her, squeaked out a thank you, and moved on to the final package slowly. I was afraid she'd spent all of her money on my presents. In the box lay a pair of plain ruby earrings and a silver charm bracelet.
"Nadia, you didn't have to buy all of this for me."
She laughed quietly."Eve, my parents insisted that I got you some jewelry. The gift was from them too."
"Well, tell them I said thanks, but next time, just a gift card or some nail polish will be fine."
"Okay. See you around!" After we kiss each other's cheeks and hug each other, I head back to the loud room.
When I get there, most of the people have left while a few are playing spin the bottle or are watching movies on the holovid. I join in spin the bottle after a while because I noticed that Lucas was in that group.
Zoë spun the bottle and it pointed directly at Jason, a really sweet skater guy who she had a crush on. She crossed the circle, sat down, and leaned over and kissed him. When they separated, Zoë was blushing fiercely with a small triumphant smile on her lips.
Jason leaned over to her ear and murmured a few words that made Zoë's grin become much bigger. They held hands for the rest of the night.
After a few more spins, it was Lucas's turn. He flicked the bottle. It spun for six seconds before slowing. I will it to point at me. It's about to come to a stop in front of Mari, but the fan pushed it to go a bit further until it pointed in between Claire and I. "Go ahead," she gave me a knowing smile.
I grin at her, and then Lucas's hands are on the back of my head and pulling me towards him. Then my lips are on his, and his are on mine, and it's the best moment in the world. It's as if we're on fire.
His lips opened, easing mine open at the same time. Or maybe it was me that opened my mouth first. Either way, our tongues explored the others' mouth. Then someone whistled, and the moment was over.
We pulled away from each other and he kissed one of my flaming cheeks, pulling me onto his lap. "How'd you like your present?" He whispers into my hair.
I turned and smiled,"It was the best of the night," then gave him a quick peck on the lips.
Thank you guys SO SO much for reading this! It means so much to me! (Truly. I'm not just being cheesy. Every time I see another read, vote, or comment I squeal and it makes my day.) Keep being you!






Abby xoxo😘

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