Chapter 9

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This isn't going to be easy. Finding them. I know where to find Nick, he told me before we split up he had a place to stay and that I'm welcome if I need anything. But Nathan? It's going to be hard. I had no clue where he was. The last time I saw him was at the station, and he ran off after seeing me kiss Nick. He said something about him being my childhood friend or something.

Getting myself into this mess isn't going to help me with anything anyway. I shake my head and dismiss the thoughts. I look up and Dylan's deep blue eyes boring into mine. I avert my eyes instantly.

"I have a question." I said slowly and quietly, but loud enough for him to hear. Dylan's eyes soon relaxed and he motioned me to go on.

"If you only wanted my boyfr-.... friends, thenwhywouldtheytakemeknowingihadnothingtodowithit..." I said the last part a little too quickly. It took him a while to comprehend what I actually said, but he finally got it. He sighed and looked down.

"For a distraction." He said slowly. I tried to think of many reasons to be a distraction for them, but couldn't think of any.

"How..could I be a distraction?" I asked.

"To get to me" He mumbled.

"How would I be getting to you?" I responded a little to fast. He looked up at me.

"You really don't remember me do you?" He asked. I shook my head. He didn't say anything else.

"Why would I know you?"  I said after a while.

I try and think of times that I would actually know him from. None. My mind is absolutely blank. Dylan didn't look up at all or say a word.  I leaned back in my chair and let out a small sigh. Dylan looked up at me and our eyes locked. His were full of emotion, that I couldn't really read. Hurt flashed across his eyes. He finally stood up and began walking out of the room.

"That's enough for today." was all he said. I had to find a way out though.

"Wait..." He turned around and looked at my direction avoiding my eyes.

"Um... I have to pee..." His body stiffened and he stared into my eyes. I was telling the truth but he probably didn't believe me. My legs were already crossed so I had nothing else to do to make him believe me. He walked back over to me and put his hands and rested then on the arms of the chair, staring straight into my eyes. Something flashed across them, suddenly making me remember a night that I couldn't forget.

"Who are you?" I barely whispered. He didn't say anything. He gave me time to actually comprehend what was going on. My breathing stared getting heavier, and I suddenly got very thirsty. Dylan's eyes soon filled with concern and ran out to get some water.

He came back in with a small glass of water and handed it to me. My hands were shaking when I reached for the glass. He didn't let go of it, even though I had a firm grasp on it. I drank a little closing my eyes enjoying the water trickling down my throat. I opened them back up to find Dylan walking out of the room. He stopped at the door and turned to look at me.

He sighed. "Come on out." He looked at me with a sad expression. He remembered the night. 

 I stood up still a little shaky from the small mental break down that I had. He waited until I walked passed him then he shut the door. I took in his bright and happy house. Down the lit hallway were picture frames, filled with happy pictures. I slowly walked down the hall taking my time looking at the fun filled images. I stopped and looked at one certain image though.

 "Is this your family?" I asked. My eyes never coming of the picture.

 "Yes." He said with a blank expression. He looked almost bored. I sighed.

 I miss my family. I was staying that one week with my friend. Then all of this happened. They would be so worried. My poor dad. He cared about me the most. If he knew I was out of state and possibly going to die... he would have a mental breakdown.

 I turned to look at Dylan but he was walking down the hallway.

 "Hey!" I called after him. He didn't say anything back. I walked out of the hallway into a very spacious living room, that reminded me a lot of the Cullen's house.

Dylan sat down on one of the white chairs and stared at the ground with his elbows resting on his knees and his hands folded together. There was an awkward silence roaming in the air. Something was different about Dylan. He isn't acting like he was when I met him first. Something bad must have really happened to him. But he looks like he has to say something to me.

I was standing in the middle of the room, standing about two meters away from Dylan. I'm kinda scared to move, the silence will be even more awkward then. Hopefully he will decide to say something or I will have to and I actually have nothing to say. A few more minutes went by and it looks like he isn't going to be saying anything soon. That means i'll have to.

 "So." I held out the 'o' to sound a little more dramatic and he looked up. His eyes were filled with emotion.

 Sadness, Anger, Excitement, Nervousness. It goes on. He stood up and took two long striding steps towards my direction and ended up standing a few feet in front of me.

"I have something to say to you." He said finally. I nod my head motioning him to go on. He sighed like it was hard to say. His eyes never left mine as he said three words I had wished I wouldn't of heard. 

 "I love you." 

 I stand there wide eyed as he goes to take a step forward standing directly in front of me now. He raised his hand and cupped my cheek. I tried my best to hold out tears, but I couldn't help getting a few tears out. He brushed his thumb against my cheek to wipe away the tears and looked me back into my eyes. Just like in the movies he leaned forward parting his lips slightly and---

 "No no no no no no!!!" I pushed him away and with out looking at him again I ran down another hallway rushed into the door and slammed it shut. I leaned my back up against the door and closed my eyes breathing deeply. I opened my eyes.


 I was in his room. I plumped down on his bed and cried my eyes out as the memories of 'that night' flooded in. He was right I knew he still loved me. And the truth is, over all of these years that we had been apart, I was still completely fallen for him. Head over heels. Absolutely Positively...

 In Love with Dylan.

 And nobody could stop me.

 Besides two people...

 Nathan and Nick.


 Hey!!! So This chapter was really hard to write. I wasn't sure if i should explain things yet about 'that night'... but as you can see i didn't. But i promise it will come soon! Warning:::::: a few tears might be shed if you are a emotional person like me. just kidding.

Until next time :)



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2014 ⏰

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