Chapter 8

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I opened my eyes and wiped them from them being closed for a while. There was a bag on my head. I moaned and pulled it off. I was sitting in a chair in a dark room. I rubbed my hand down my face. I tried to stand up but my legs sent a sharp pain up my body and I fell down. I let out a large yelp. I winced in pain and heard laughter from behind me. I look around cautiously and prayed a small prayer, hoping that I do not die tonight. I see in the corner of the room a tall,dark figure, looking at me. I squinted my eyes and turned my body to face him and see him clearly.

"W-who are you?"  I studder. I am really dehydrated and need something to drink. I hear foot steps coming towards me and I close my eyes. The person bent down and leaned towards my ear. I could tell it was a male from the smell of his cologne. His lips brushed up against my ear and he whispered softly.

"I'm boss." His deep husky voice ringed in my ears and his words roamed around in my mind. I shot my eyes open and looked at the figure. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. He let out a small chuckle and stood up.

"Alright get up now, we have work to do." I could almost hear a smile spread across his face. What did he plan on doing to me?

Calm down.

Calm down.

I slowly stood up letting out a small grunt from my legs hurting. I looked around trying to find out where he was. I felt a hand grip my arm and pull me backwards. I was sat into a chair. How  can this guy see? I could tell my eyes are trying to adjust to the darkness of the room. I hated it being silent. He is probably planning something horrible to do to me, like cutting all of my fingers off slowly while I scream in pain and he laughs. I shake my head dismissing all of the thoughts.

"So what's your name." He stops doing whatever hes doing and turns towards me and lets out a large cackling laugh. I lower my head in shame. He walks over to where I'm sitting and turns on a light. I look up at him. His eyes are full of amusement and he had a wide smile across his face. I frown at his appearance.

"How old are you? I mean I thought you would be a creeper that has a white cat and like an eye patch... and is REALLY old..., but your like 19." I ramble off at how creepishy weird I thought he was going to be.

"Be quiet." I close my mouth and look down. He yelled at me.

"And a temper..." I almost whispered but I know he heard me because he let out a loud sigh. I looked at the ground and watched his feet walk away. He walked out of the room and I sat there quietly. In a dark room. Alone.

Calm down Lexi, you'll be okay.

Wait! What he's going to go get a saw to cut off my fingers? Or he's going to to get a hammer to bash my head out with. I zone out with all of the possibilities that he be killing me. I see him walk in and all he has with him is a chair. I sigh in relief. Although he could beat me with the chair. I have chills run down my spine as he nears me.

"Your not going to kill me are you?" I barely blurt out. He sets his chair in front on me and sits on it with the back of the chair in the front. He raises an eyebrow and keeps a serious face.

"Why would you think I want to kill you?"

"Well the fact that I had to be kidnapped and run away from home, get shot in the leg and the arm and then get thrown in jail." I used my fingers to count the numerous reasons to why I think that.

"Oh..." He frowns at me.

"When did you get shot?"

"You don't remember?" He shook his head.

I try and remember the night which I was shot. There was a man standing in the door way looking at me as I ran. He was bald but not that old, he looked familiar actually. I look down. I zone out at the thought of the man that was watching me.

Did I know him?

I try to think of places that I would see him at.

The mall... he was working at the store me and my friends went in. Then he was the ice cream man that gave us some for free. The more I think about it, I see him every where I go. My breathing starts to get heavier at the thought of him being my stalker. My eyes are going blurry. I snap out of my trance and calm myself down by doing these breathing techniques I saw on TV.

This guy has been following me for almost my entire life and I didn't even know... It's scary.

"Hey... are you okay?" Concern was in his face as he shook me out of my trance.

No... not really.

I looked up at him.

"What's your name?"

Why did I even try that? Last time he laughed his head off at how I asked him, so what is the point now.

Relief covered his face once he figured out that I was okay.

"Dylan." He locked his eyes with mine. He stared me down until I gave out and looked down.

Time to boost up my confidence.

"Well Dylan," I looked up and copied a face that my high schools preps gave me. "What exactly do you want from me?"

Bad choice. A smile crept along his face.

"I want your boyfriends."

I was in shock. He wants them? Why?

"Well, You don't know where the are so... um... you can't have them."

Why did his smile get wider?

"No, but you do right?"



He quickly leaned forward and grabbed the top of my shirt.

"Don't lie to me Lexi. Tell me, where are they."

Okay. He's playing with my mind. DON'T TELL HIM!

You cant.

"I don't know."  I lied.

your a liar.

I never lie. Not for anyone. But for nick? and Nathan? Do the really mean that much to me?


They hurt me. They are the ones who got me into thins mess in the first place. But do I really want to do this for them? Dylan's grip on my shirt has gotten tighter. It's time I do something I want. Make myself happy. But first, why does he want them?

"First," He released his grip and sat back down. "You tell me why you want them."

He nodded his head.

"Then, I'll tell you." He smirked.

"Your not going to like this."

Lexi what are you getting yourself into?

 But now that I think about who this Dylan guy is..... He looks familiar. Like REALLY familiar.

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