Chapter Nine - Iliana

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The next day, Rosetta took me to see the EarthIsland.

Since I wasn't sure weather my element was fire or earth, I slept on the main Island, Airafia. Rosetta woke me up early to decide for sure what element I would deal. Right now, I was standing over what looked like a very unstable bridge made out of dry earth. It had no beams to support it, and fine lines ran up and down the narrow crossing. To say I was only nervous would be an understatement.

"...I know I should try and convince you to cross over, but I must also warn you that the bridge is very dangerous to a Dealer who is not an Earthen."

Rosetta was currently talking, but I only heard half of what she was saying.

"If the bridge falls with you, then your powers won't work. I'm pretty sure that Lightning is going to save you though, so no worries."

I gaped at her. Of course I'm going to worry!

I dismounted Lightning – rather easily, now. I was getting pretty good at riding horses bareback, even if my torso was sore.

I slowly walked up to the bridge. Just as I was about to put my foot on it, Rosetta called out to me. "Wait!"

I turned and pulled my foot back, grateful for the stall.

"Lift some dirt and create a rock."

I stared at her. "Why?"

"Since you have two elements, you have to write the first and last letter of it on your palm to switch back and forth. You might still be in your fire element. If you are, then the bridge would recognize you as a Fire Dealer, not an Earthen."

"But before, I didn't have to switch."

"I realized. I don't know why that happened, but it's the last time."

I followed Rosetta's last instructions to make a rock. The movements for a spell came naturally to me.

I first walked away from the bridge and drew a medium to small circle on the ground. I made a motion with my palm that resembled up, and the piece of dirt in the circle slowly rose. I smashed both of my hands together, and the pieces of dirt went together to look like a ball. Just how I wanted it. I lowered the newly made rock down to the ground. Then, I lightly stepped onto the hard molded rock, breaking it apart like foam. It turned back to sand.

"Happy?" I asked Rosetta. She nodded. "Can I cross now?" Another nod.

This time, I stepped onto the bridge with more confidence. The fine lines under my foot widened momentarily, but did nothing. I walked a couple more steps and I heard a sound that reminded me of an earthquake, along with Lightning's frantic neigh. The cracks behind me were now running wide, ready to consume me. The bridge was breaking. Small parts of it fell out in front of me. I panicked and froze. Abruptly, the noise was cut off, and the lines narrowed slightly. The holes in front of me closed a little. I took a couple of experimental steps forward, and nothing happened. I hopped over the holes and lightly landed on my feet. Suddenly, the earthquake noise was back and more holes appeared in front of me. As quickly as it happened, the dreadful noise ceased. I let out a relieved breath.

Before I knew it, I was over the bridge and facing a large gate guarded by two heavily armed men. Behind the gate was blackness. When I looked behind me for Rosetta, she was gently guiding Lighting over the EarthBridge. The bridge seemed to heal under her feet. The dirt became a richer colour, and the sides of the bridge erupted with plants unknown to me. Possibly even unknown to the human dimension. The wide lines I created vanished. As soon as she stepped off of the bridge though, the dirt went back to its dry bland color, the plants withered and fell off, and the fine lines that warned the crosser to beware were back.

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