"there's a beauty in being close too."

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I'm your average teenage girl who hates getting too close, but loves seeing things up close. But I suppose that isn't exactly 'normal'. That's the beauty of the world. You get to experience things in such intensity, but you don't have to feel attached.

I get to enjoy the cool breeze whipping my hair in all directions, but I don't have to feel it hit me back in the face. Just like everything else in your life, you can enjoy the fun without the whiplash.

That's exactly what tonight was going to be. My first New Years party where I didn't have to think about anything else beside fun. I only had a few hours before the new year, and I wasn't going to waste a minute of it.

A mile away you could smell the alcohol and weed; I felt contact high just from the walk here. High or not, I felt like this was time to enjoy myself. And I made sure I would.

Grinding bodies, sweaty teens, and red solo cups covered the grounds to where you couldn't see your shoes. The clouds of smoke from the stoners in the corner made it seem like a dense fog which blurred my vision.

There were people of all ages, and they all looked like they were having a killer time. I couldn't blame them, this is a great party.

After a physically and emotionally draining few minutes, I decided I needed a breather, and a smoke.

I took a pack of cigarettes out, rummaging through my pocket to find my lighter. It had nirvana on it, and it was my favorite.

Thankfully no one was out here besides three boys passed out on the front lawn. I could enjoy the chilly breeze and hear the soothing sounds of the small crickets alone.

I took a few drags and felt a presence beside me. Not smoking or anything, but when I looked up into this boys hazel eyes, he just stared back. Pushed his hair out of his face a few times, but just stared in what looked like amazement.

I slid my body down the curb a few inches, not liking being that close to a stranger. With the universe against my luck, this guy was a persistent one and kept scooting closer to me as I moved away.

I coughed then looked up at him "What are you doing?" I asked in a pissy tone, trying to send him a message. He looked down, a faint smile on his lips and looked ahead at the party in front of us.

"It was too crowded in there, and you seemed lonely so I decided to sit down. I'm Ashton by the way" he shrugs his shoulders as if to say 'why not' before shifting his position to a more comfortable one.

"So, why is a beautiful girl like yourself out here alone?" he looked down at his fidgeting fingers nervously after the short silence.

"I'm not a people person, and people don't tend to like me as a person either" I shrugged. " I don't trust anyone enough to befriend anyway." I stood up to stretch out my short legs.

"Well, my New Years resolution is to get you to trust me." he whispered softly, taking one step forward. We could hear the countdown starting down from 30 seconds from the drunken idiots inside.

"I don't get close to people, or anything for that matter." I mumbled, now hearing how pathetic it sounded. "15,14,13.." they continued to chant.

"Baby, that's all going to change." and he lightly draped his muscular arms around to the small of my back.

Suddenly, the chanting turned into cheering, and he was closer than he ever has been to me before. His lips were on mine, his arms around my back. I couldn't resist, trust me, no one would resist him.

My arms moved up to his neck and found a home there for the next few minutes. We weren't stopping, well, until he needed to breathe.

In my mind it was the same way with the chanting and cheering. My brain was chanting "Run!, don't give in!" but as soon as I felt the presence of him on my lips, the cheering began.

I didn't like getting close or attached to anything. Nonetheless, here I am, loving how close his lips are to mine, loving how he attached his lips to my jaw and peppered kisses around the side. Keeping me in his hold the whole time. Without resistance.

Finally, after years, I'm okay with being close to someone. I can't wait to get even closer. There's a beauty in being alone, but there's a beauty in being close as well. His New Years resolution came true, and so did mine. To face my fears. Boy, did I face my fears; with his face on mine.

About 750 words worth of my work. I hope everyone enjoyed this story, and I'm entering it in January competition by thefanfictionawards . I loved writing this, despite how short it is, and hopefully you enjoyed reading it.(:

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