Important Observation

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Assalamualaikum! Jazakallah to everybody for their feedback! I am so so sorry that I haven't updated in months, I was just really busy but many of the sisters who have read my guide so far think it has been very helpful and would like me to continue. Today, I am going to talk about hypocrites.

This is not part of the guide in general, but just something I would like to point out. I see many Muslimahs wearing hijabs which is a good thing alhamdulillah. The only problem is that some do not keep to their promise.

Wearing the hijab comes with responsibility. When you wear it, you make a promise to keep yourself modest and stay covered. 

I reside in a country in the West, or a "Western" country as many people consider. Many of the girls I know post selfies of themselves without hijabs on onto social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram, but then call themselves 'proud hijabis' in their about sections.

We wear hijabs to keep away evil gazes and to protect ourselves, but then we take it off to show off ourselves too.

This is a short chapter, but I really want to point out: do not be a hypocrite.

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