How you First Met (1D preference)

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Harry- You were walking down the street to go to your favorite candy shop when you trip on a rock and fall to your knees. You were so embarrassed that you just stayed on the ground, but then a man with perfect curly hair and bluish grey eyes walks over and says, " Are you okay?". You reply back with " Yeah I'm just a little clumsy, that's all". " Here let me help you," he said grabbing your hand helping you  regain balance and stand. "Thanks, I'm (Y/N),". " Harry, Harry Styles", "I know who you are" you said blushing a little. " So you noticed huh?, Well why don't we grab some tea sometime," he said handing you his number. " Yeah I would love that," you replied back. "Ok then just give me a call, Goodbye love," he said making you get the feeling of butterflies fluttering in your stomach. You continued walking but instead of going to the candy shop you went home overwhelmed with feelings. 3 days later you and Harry were out getting a cup of tea, starting to get to know each other. After both of you finished he asked you if you would like to take a walk in the park with him. Of course you said yes, and started getting the familiar butterfly feeling you get every time you are around him. While you to were walking you found a bench and decided to rest. Harry then turned to you after sitting down and said " I had a really good time tonight (Y/N), and I was wondering if you would want to be my girlfriend?" You were shocked that someone like Harry would want to be with someone like you, but this whole time you knew you were feeling like there was a connection between you two, you just felt like it was right so you replied with, "Yes!" trying not to sound too excited, but you were. He then leaned in and hugged you, and when the hug broke your faces were centimeters from each others and you couldn't resist so you kissed him hoping he would kiss back. He did and with that you knew he was the one, the one you wanted to be with for eternity. The feeling when you kissed was a feeling you've never had before and you were so happy you finally found your perfect match.  The kiss lasted a good amount of time and when its was over he grabbed your hand and you both continued walking, hand in hand until it stared to get really late. Harry drove you back to your house and walked you to your door. " Tonight was perfect!" you said to him with a look that said you had the best time ever. " I'm so happy we did this, and I'm so happy I can call you my girl," he said making you smile. He then kissed your forehead and started walking back to his car "Good night (Y/N)." " Good night Harry." you replied back unlocking your door. Once inside you went up to your room and wrote all about your night with Harry in your journal, cherishing every word thinking to yourself thank you god, thank you for helping me find my match. Who would of thought one of the most embarrassing moments of your life could turn into the best night you've ever had.

Louis- You were enjoying a beautiful day at the beach with your best friend .Your friend brought a boogie board and you thought it would be fun to go out in the ocean with it. That was a bad idea but you didn't know it, you've never boogie boarded before but you just wanted to have a good time. You asked your friend if she could show you how to do it but she didn't know how to either she just bought the board because she thought it looked pretty. You started to get frustrated so you just decided to try and figure it out on your own. You got in the water and didn't think you were far enough out to get a good wave , so you went father and father. You then went too far and the waves were getting too big to handle and the current was pulling you in. You couldn't breathe cause the water kept crashing on top of you causing you to start drowning. You started screaming for help but you noticed no one was on the beach, not even your friend she went off to get something to eat. You started to panic but then you felt someone grab your arm. It was Louis Tomlinson. He pulled you out and carried you to the shore bridal style. There was so much water in your lungs you weren't exactly aware of what was happening. When you got to the shore he put you down in the sand and checked to see if you were breathing. You weren't so he started to give you CPR. Eventually you came to and saw him kneeling over you " Oh, thank god you're awake now," he said. " What happened?" you asked. " You went too far out and started to drown, it's a good thing I got to you in time or you would have been dead." he said to you with a worried look on his face. " Well thank you, and my name is (Y/N)." " I'm.." " Louis" you said cutting him off. " I see you know who I am." " How could I not" you responded. " Well listen (Y/N), maybe we could grab something  to eat sometime?" he said surprising you that he actually wanted to be around you. " Sure' you said and went back to where he was sitting to give him your number. A few days later you two went out to dinner and a movie. You were going to go see Paranormal Activity 4 and you were kind of nervous because you weren't really into horror movies but Louis assured you that you could hide behind his shoulders if you got too scared. The movie was terrifying to you and for most of it your head was in his shoulder, and your hand clenching his. After the movie Louis drove you back to your house and before pulling up to your driveway he asked "(Y/N), I really enjoyed tonight and I feel like there is a connection between us, so will you be my girlfriend?" You froze, completely shocked those words came out of his mouth but you thought there was a connection too so you said yes. He kissed you on the cheek and said goodbye. You walked up to your house waving goodbye as he left. You felt like the happiest girl on Earth.

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