More Than a Friendship (imagine request)

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@bbear0210 Hope you enjoy this. Please leave me feedback<3

"I don't know, I just... I think I'm starting to fall in love with him" Bridget explained to her close friend. " Really?! You have to tell him Bridget." her friend said with excitement in her voice. " I cant, it will ruin our friendship." Bridget was referring to her best friend Harry Styles. They have been best friends for at least 3 years now and she started to feel like it needed to be more than just a friendship. " Plus I don't even know if he feels the same way. But I don't think I can keep hiding it." Bridget explained. She was so nervous, especially because Harry was coming over in a half an hour for movie night, something her and Harry like to call their little tradition. "Well I better get going" Bridget's friend told her giving her  a hug goodbye and telling her that she should do what she thinks is best for their relationship. After she left Bridget started straightening up the mess her and her friend made the night before. They had a sleepover and let's just say things got a little crazy. After the mess was cleaned up, Bridget texted Harry asking if he was on his way. He replied back quickly saying ' Yeah be there in five. xx" She loved it when he wrote xx at the end of his texts. It made her get butterflies in her stomach, it made her feel like she had a shoulder to lean on, and now it made her fall in love with him even more. After about 10 minutes of waiting Bridget finally heard the doorbell ring. She jumped up with excitement, but also having the thought of what she needed to tell him in the back of her head. She opened the door and once Harry saw her he gave her a big hug. " Hey it feels like we haven't seen each other in forever" Harry said while breaking from the hug . It  has been forever, with him being on tour and all, you haven't been able to talk to him because he was always busy. " What movie you want to watch?" Bridget asked Harry while he was getting the popcorn and drinks ready. "Ummm... Whatever you want to watch babe" he responded. He always called her babe and frankly she loved it. One of the many little things she fell in love with over time. " How about a scary movie?" Bridget said. ' Yeah sounds great" he responded. Bridget ended up picking out a movie called "Sinister". Everyone said it was really scary and she hoped it was so she would have a excuse to cuddle into his side. They sat on the couch and around the middle of the movie Bridget couldn't take it anymore she had to tell him how she was feeling. She couldn't hold it in anymore it was killing her. She paused the movie and Harry turned to her and said " What? Is it too scary for you?" giving her a little nudge on the shoulder. "No... it's just that...." she responded. "What ? What's wrong?' he said with a concerned tone. " If I tell you you have to promise me we will always be friends, even if you don't feel the same way." Bridget said feeling nervous as to what his response would be. "Bridget I will always be here for you. So what is it you have to tell me?" Harry said. This didn't make her feel any better, only because he didn't know what she was going to say and just because he says he will always be there doesn't mean he will. "Harry....I... I think I love you." She said trying not to let all her nervousness show. He looked at her with shock. " Well say something. Don't just sit there" she said getting scared as to what he was going to say. He then grabbed her hand and said " Bridget I feel the same way. I didn't think I did but for months now, all I keep thinking about is your smile. The way your  curls fall perfectly around your head, I keep dreaming about you. I want you to be mine. I don't want anyone else.' he said shocking her . She didn't think that he felt the same way, she thought that all he wanted was a friendship, but the words he just said made her realize that he was the one, the one she has been waiting for, her knight in shining armor. " You do?' she said. "Yes I was going to tell you tonight before I left" he giggled ' but it looks like you beat me to it". This made her smile, putting her head down  to keep him from seeing that she was blushing. She then felt a hand touch the bottom of her chin  making her look eye to eye with the man she loved. He then leaned in and kissed her. To her it felt like sparks were bursting every where letting her know that this was right. When they broke, Harry looked at his watch and said "Wow it's getting late I better get going". He stood up but she then grabbed his arm and said " You can stay the night if you want". He looked deeply into her eyes ' I would love too" he replied. A smile stretched across he face. He then sat back down on the couch  putting his arm around her while she placed her head on his shoulder. Bridget started to fall asleep laying in his arms. She felt protected, protected from everything and everyone. Harry looked down at her and smiled he then lifted her up bridal style and placed her in her bed. He then went back out to the living room to turn off the TV. When Bridget woke up she felt a strong arm wrapped around her waist. After coming to her senses she started remembering last night. How she was so nervous to tell him but found out he felt the same. It was official, he was hers and she was his'. It felt so right. About two years later, they were sitting on the same couch watching the same movie they never got to finish. The last 2 years have been crazy. Bridget went on tour with the boys, she moved in with Harry, and  they met each other's families. When the movie ended Harry looked at Bridget who was wrapped in his arms. " Bridget, these past two years have been the best time of my life." he said standing up and getting down on one knee. " And I just wanted to know if you would marry me?" She started to cry but let out a small yes and hugged him. It was the happiest day of her life. After they hugged and kissed he put the ring on her finger. It was beautiful, everything she dreamed of. " Harry, I love you so much" she said . " I love you too Bridget. I always have and I always will" he said . " Forever?" she asked. " For eternity." he replied giving her a kiss on her forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2013 ⏰

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