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<openfolder: Wishes_Therapy_Experiment>
<openfile: 091025>

As follows is a record of the thoughts of SubjectID_091025 at 11:11 PM on February 14, 2022.

Facts. Hold on to the fucking facts when everything else is lying. Okay. The room is white. My name is Dan. The box is cold. Daniel James Howell. The box is black, but faded, like those old polaroids. My birthday is June 11. The box is black. Okay.

[click to continue file]


The January wind blew Dan's fringe into his eyes rather annoyingly. At least no one cared that he still hadn't quite outgrown his emo phase here at uni. Well, not like they had cared in high school. Hey, it wasn't his fault he thought My Chemical Romance made decent music. That was probably placed in his genes by the Lord Himself.

"Why, hello there, you little shit," a familiar voice chimed.

"My most sincere salutations to you as well, Master Kendall." Although Dan's voice was dripping with sarcasm, he was secretly glad his friend had come to save him from the terror of eating lunch alone.

"So, you ask McDoug about joining Shakespeare Club yet?"

"I told you, I'm not doing it."

"Aw, but why not? Peej is even doing it. I still think he's just trying to get that actress girl's number, though. Denisse, or something."

"I'm not doing it, Chris! End of story! I'm trying to balance studying Law, my constant state of existential crisis, and being friends with you. Not much space left, bro."

"At least come to practice tonight and consider it." He was practically pleading. So Dan agreed, if only to make him fuck off.

A knock was heard outside Dan's dorm at exactly 6:00, just as promised. The cheap door swung open to reveal the face of Chris Kendall, drama geek extreme trying too hard to play it cool. After a minute of their usual banter and a failed attempt at neck-touching, a pet peeve of the brown-haired boy, the duo set off.

Shakespeare Club was managed by Professor McDougall, who also taught several courses in classic literature. She was actually quite popular and well-known as a kind teacher with a great sense of humor. So, basically, she was "chill" enough for the long sessions in the cramped theater to be worth it.

It wasn't that Dan was opposed to the idea of the club. He had been in drama club in high school, albeit briefly. He actually loved acting, but a combination of bullying and anxiety soon resulted in his dropping out of the activity right after scoring a main role. Scars fade slowly, and Chris- a long-time friend of Dan's- knew he wouldn't want to be back on stage too soon. But he had to try.

The night was cold but cloudless, and might have been filled with glittering stars if not for the city setting. The boys wrapped their costs tightly around themselves, but shivers were still unavoidable. Dan felt slightly better about watching the practice when he realized that the building would be heated. It was therefore a sizable relief when the short walk had finally passed.

Chris conquered his need to nest his hands in those blissfully warm pockets long enough to rush forward and open the door. He was grinning excitedly as he ushered Dan forth, such as a child welcoming a friend to his fort of blankets and chairs. This analogy was insanely accurate, and Dan was almost surprised to find an auditorium rather lacking in draping quilts as he stepped out of the cold.

There may have been a lack of forts, but there certainly wasn't a lack of much else. The small theater was a bee's nest of half painted sets and random props, not to mention the mismatched assortment of people buzzing about. As the door thudded shut, many rushed through the rows of seats, shouting choruses of "Chris! How are you? How's your friend? You're finally here!" and the like. Introductions were a blur, far too fast for Dan to remember much of. There was Chyna, gum-chewing and pink-haired, Phil, whose eyes were startlingly blue, Emma (Emily? Emilia? Who knew), who seemed shy but sweet, PJ, laughingstock as usual, Charlie, a bit of a nerd with his Doctor Who shirt, and almost ten other random names. Anna, Adam, Evan, Julia, and the like. Despite the overwhelming atmosphere, everyone seemed relatively nice. Not nice enough to change his decision. But nice.

Chris, Emma, PJ, Adam, and Chyna went off to go actually practice. This, of course, left Dan hanging awkwardly around the edges of the room in the silent company of Evan, Phil, and Charlie. Well, silent until Evan made a pun about acting and Phil replied with a deep-voiced but excited Buffy the Vampire Slayer reference. As it happened, all were extreme nerds, and soon enough a conversation erupted to reflect that.

Dan smiled, no longer feeling awkward and freakish. He still didn't think the club was for him, but hey, this definitely wasn't a bad day.



i know this was short. please don't kill me for it, i'm never sure how to open stories. let me know in the comments whether i should continue this story, with its weird format and all, or not.

if i do continue, updates will probably be weekly or at least biweekly. please leave me feedback, because i love to know what you think of my writing and generally just freak out with you. so yeah, bye for now!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2016 ⏰

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