What in the literal fuck just happened

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I shook in fear as I stepped on the school bus.

This is my first day at a new school, and I've never been to a new school.

I was about to have an anxiety attack.


My brother said as I sat in the back of the bus and he sat in front of me.

"I'll show you were to go."

You see, my brother isn't new to the school because I just moved in with my mom and my brother lives with her so he's been to the school.

I sat in silence as the bus jerked me around.

We stopped at the elementary school, where some high schoolers and middle schoolers
Got on.

A boy sat beside my brother and my brother, Jay, turned around.

"Maya, meet my best friend Hunter."

Hunter turned around and I looked at him.

He was adorable.

"Hi, I'm Hunter."

He smiled, causing his baby blue eyes to crinkle up and he reveled his white teeth.

Even his smile made me melt.

I felt a weird sensation in my stomach as Hunter  smiled and laughed with Jay.

Oh god this is going to be a long day.

Hunter looked at me, whispering something into Jay's ear before he put on his back pack, and Jay signaled me to follow him.

Hunter's copper colored hair was in a quiff that day.

Jay led me through the double doors where a teacher greeted me and then told me to go and eat.

Of coarse I didn't eat though.

I walked down the halls, clueless of where I was even going.

I walked up to the office, and sat down.
After 30 minutes of sitting, the lady at the front desk handed me a schedule and a handbook, and shooed me off.

How helpful, note the sarcasm.

I wondered out of the office, I walked up to three huge hallways with an airplane hanging from the ceiling.


I finally found the eighth grade hall, and I found my classroom.

I took a deep breath, calming my anxiety and then I walked into the room with newly found confidence.

That confidence soon died.

Every eye went on me, and may I add that I spotted some pretty good looking people.

"Hi, I'm mrs.heaton, sit beside Ashton."

She pointed at a guy named Ashton in the back of the room.

To be honest, he looked like Ashton from 5sos, the curly hair and dimples that popped from his face.

I sat nervously beside him glancing at his face.

"What's up, I'm Ashton."

He turned and faced me, signaling me to shake his hand.

I shook his hand, hoping he didn't notice how clammy they were.
School was boring as hell.

I didn't make any friends accept for Ashton, and all we did was shake hands.

As I'm walking into the bus I find my eyes trailing off to meet a familiar face.


As I went on the bus a bit more the bus driver stopped me.

He looked at me then looked at a piece of paper.

You sit in seat 22.

The last seat...where hunter was.

I walked to the back of the bus and looked at the slip above my seat.

It said 'hunter and maya' written in cursive.

I looked down and saw hunter looking at me, signaling to sit.

I sat like I was some kind of preppy rich girl because I didn't wanna plop on the seat like a fucking fat ass I am.

I looked over at hunter who was on his phone.

Ugh he's never gonna talk to me.

I pulled out my phone but then I felt something slide under my butt.

"What th--"


Hunter cut me off.

I looked to down to find his hand under me and gently massaging my butt.

I sat stiff and shocked, but...I kinda liked it...


I said as his hand slid out from under me.


He said like nothing happened, but then winked.

My body was shaking and I was internally screaming about the fact he just got done massaging my ass.


He cut me off.

"I'm sorry for doing that, your just so sexy I couldn't help it."

He smirked and placed his hand on my thigh.

I looked up to see if anyone else is as shocked as I am.

The bus was basically empty.

Why would the bus driver put me in a seat with a person if his bus only had like 7 people on it?!

Everyone else was up frontage in the middle leaving me and hunter in the back.


I felt my face heat up and blood rise to my cheeks.

"No problem."

He smiled, which again, made me melt, and he put on his bag and got off the bus.

What and the literal fuck just happened.

Hello, so this is my first chapter😊
I hope you enjoyed, and sorry for the delay I have been busy if you know what I mean😉
Anyways...so this WHOLE story is true but I did have to change names and info around for security reasons😊
So please....
thank you
          -your bitch😘

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