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So I was tagged to do a Q&A so here it is

1.Favorite Anime?
   One can not simply have 1 favorite anime

2. Your Favorite Ship?

3.Do you watch Hetalia?
   You can tell by this book title

4. Do you like fruit?
     I guess.

5. What's your favorite planet

6. Are you good at math?
       No :D

7. Favorite App?

8. Who's your favorite Wattpader?
           I personally don't have a favorite.

9. Favorite Type of Ice Cream?
         Mint chocolate chip

10. Have you been out of your country you live in?
          I gone to Canada and Japan.

11. What Winter Holiday do you celebrate?

12. What Zodiac Sign are you?

13. Do you know anyone with glasses
Anyways I was tagged by mikasa_eren_armin
Now I have to tag 13 people.
FluffyHanji / MLGOtaku / ShipMyOTPs
(I dun know many people.)
1. What Country do live in
2. Fav color
3. What is your OTP
4. Fav Song
5.Fav Character in Attack on Titan
6. Fav Character in Hetalia
7. What animal would you be.
8. Are you single or do you have a crush
9. Sexuality?
10. Yay or Nay
I ran out of questions

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