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Title: Uniquely Perfect

Author: PartyWriting

Bromance: Larry Stylinson

Summary: When Louis Tomlinson finds Harry Styles sitting in an alley, he doesn't at all expect Harry to be different... or different in a nonhuman way at least. Until his bestfriend Liam informs him that Harry is a hybrid. A cat hybrid to be exact. Will Louis keep Harry with him, or will he send Harry out on his own?


1. Do you have a favorite bromance? Larry is my favorite! I don't ship them, I hardcore believe they're together.

 2. What is your favorite Bromance Fan Fiction? That's a tough question, cause there's tons of great Larry fanfics out there. If the fic is Larry, angsty, and has a happy ending, I'll instantly love it.

3. Do you have a favorite Fan Fiction Bromance author? Haven't found one yet! 

4. How did you first learn about One Direction? My friend Sophie showed me the video diaries... and I instantly realized that "the curly haired kid and the funny one" had something going on. I quickly found out that they were Harry and Louis, and that lots of people shipped them. So I started liking 1D FOR Larry Stylinson.

5. What is your favorite One Direction song? This is a hard question as well, cause it depends on my mood! But I really like Irresistible, Magic, and They Don't Know About us bc LARRY. But sounds from UAN are fantastic as well.

6. Favorite One Direction album and why?  I feel like I'm answering some of these questions on accident in other questions xD I'd probably say UAN. TMH is great, and I love it, but UAN was my second love aside from Larry

7. Will you be a directioner for ever? Yes <3

8.. If you could say something to 1D what would it be and why? You guys mean a lot to me, and even though you've ruined my life (nah, I suppose the internet ruined my life xD) your music and silly selves have helped me meet so many fantastic people, and I'll always remember you for that, even fifty years from now.

9.. Do you know everything there ever is to know about One Direction? Or just simple stuff name, looks, etc? Uh... well I probably don't know /everything/ but I know more than just their names. I know their birthdays, family members names... stuff like that.

10. Would you say yes if One Direction ever asked you on a date? Oh God, who wouldn't? I'd happily date any of them... well, aside from Harry and Louis. They've got each other.

Anything you want to say to your fans? Hi there! There's recently become 3k of you and it's only because of you that my stories have become so popular and you all are so nice to me and say such sweet thing that I don't even deserve and I love you all so just remember that! I try to answer each and every one of you if you talk to me, but recently it's been getting more difficult! I'll still try though, because pfft I don't have a life outside of wattpad. Thank you so much!!

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