Ch.5 - Your Maid for Always

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Ch. 5

"So how was your night at the spa?"

Hinata caught Tenten off guard, causing her to look up at her. She smiled faintly.

"It was nice." 'At first.'

"Oh," she replied, almost expecting a little more. Based on the way Neji was acting when he returned home, Hinata figured something had went down.

He had looked saddened, disappointed, but most of all, shame and regret covered his face the moment they locked eyes.

Tenten nibbled at her sandwich, trying not to think a both last night, or earlier this morning either.

He wouldn't look at her, wouldn't talk to her. When she asked a question, he gave short answers but completely avoided talking about last night. He had bags under his eyes, and whenever he smiled at someone, it was a thin smile.

Neji avoided her altogether basically, and it was worse during training. His anger was shown in his fighting, and Tenten barely got away with cuts and bruises.

She really believed that it was something she did.

That had to be the reason. Why else was he acting the way he was?

Tenten put her sandwich down. Her appetite was done for. Hinata noticed her actions and said softly, "Something's bothering you... It is about last night, isn't it?"

Tenten swallowed thickly and said, "Just... Last night didn't go the way we had hoped for. We'll be fine." She faked a smile. "After all, today is a nice day. Training is done, and there are no missions either."

Hinata nodded with uncertainty. Tenten was bothered by last night, but it was obvious she wasn't going to say anything about it.

The sad kunoichi smiled. "Don't worry about us. I should go though, I have a bit of studying to do. I hate it though."

Hinata giggled softly and said, "Take care."

Tenten nodded and walked away, her smile fading once she was away from Hinata. Last night was indeed confusing, and she wished that she could restart that night. No, she wished she could restart when Neji entered her home. She wished she was calling out his name.

Maybe then, everything would've gone differently.

It might've been a bad reason to fall in love with Neji all over again, but she was starting to wonder if that even mattered. His "punishment" caused old feelings to resurface.

And so what!? It was her choice if she decided to love him again, regardless of the reason.

Tenten sighed and rubbed her forehead. It all sounded way too complicated. It would be easier if she just knew Neji's true intentions. Maybe then she'd finally realise what she should do. Trying to avoid Neji as he was avoiding her wouldn't do anything.

In fact, it might sprain what relationship they had left.

With a sigh, Tenten turned and walked towards her home. Maybe if she took a nap, she'd know what to do then.

She'd know how to fix this problem that she and Neji got into.


Warmth suddenly surrounded Tenten's right cheek, causing her to smile slightly. She was having a dream of Neji again, full of love and affection.

Only his touch felt so real this time around.

Her eyes fluttered open to see a hand retract from her cheek. The being started to back away, but Tenten reached out and grabbed its hand. She opened her eyes to find Neji standing to her left, tensing up.

NejiTen - The Punishment (17+) (Completed 2016)Where stories live. Discover now