Chapter 14

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hey guys read the A/N at the bottom to get the next chapter faster xx


So, Louis likes me, he knows that Austin is still a major part of my life, and i know that Eleanor will always be a part of his, that's just the way it works, even Jen told me she wanted me to move on and find happiness, so why can't i?

i wake up to a quiet house which is automatically insanely weird seeing as this house is never quiet, like ever, i mean i live with 9 boys, that says alot doesn't it?

i walk into the kitchen like i do every morning like clockwork 9am to get myself breakfast, i see Niall sitting at the kitchen on one of the bar stools that where recently bough because apparently according to Louis "there isn't enough places for his toochey around the house" it made me laugh just thinking about it

"Morning Bek" Niall say's to me as he shuffles his bum around his bar stool to face me "morning" i say back to him politely, out of all of Liam's band mates Louis and Niall where always the two i was closest too, but after everything that has happened i kind of just pushed everybody away, including Niall

"how are yah feelin' this mornin love" he says to me after taking a sip of his steaming hot coffee "i'm okay, what about you" he nods his head and replies "i'm good, house was getting a bit quiet though i was wondering if you where ever going to wake up"

"Niall its only 9am its not like i slept the entire day like you do someday's, so where are the lads anyway?" he smiles at me awkwardly as i go to sit on the bar stool next to him "they all went to the studio.. to write"

i look at him strangely "so why aren't you with them Niall" if they have all gone to write then surly he should be there with them

"i can write here... at the house, i don't need to go to a studio, i'm too cool for that" i chuckle at his statement that was intended to cut through the tension in the air

"you're babysitting me aren't you Niall, somebody had to stay behind to watch poor fragile Bek and they picked you for todays chores"

he looked at me with only guilt showing in his eyes, i knew that i had hit a bullseye, they think i need watching 24/7 well i don't! i rolled my eye's at him and started walking out of the kitchen rather annoyed that i am now forced upon people as a constant burden, this is pathetic, they are pathetic, i am.. pathetic, Niall grab's my arm stopping me from walking out of the kitchen and swings me around so i'm facing him

"it's not that Bek, they just want to make sure that your okay, that's they care about, me and the lads, and they didn't pick me, i volunteered, you and i used to be so close and you pushed me away, okay Bek i won't let you do it again, and you know what, we are worried, we are worried sick about what might happen to you, because all of us know what we would do if we lost somebody that close to us, we wouldn't cope, that is why we are doing this, not to pity you or degrade you, because we don't ever want to know how it feels to loose somebody we love Bek! THAT IS WHY"

 i am taken back by what i just heard and saw, hes getting genuinely emotional i can almost see him crying, he's mad, mad at me, for thinking that i am a burden, i just do not want to live this way anymore i want to feel happy and i want to be happy but its just not that easy

"i'm so so sorry for all of this Niall, i know this isn't what you signed up for when you joined a band, to be looking after me i know you didn't and i am so sorry, i wish that you never had to put up with this and i also pray that you never have to go through this because it feels like i'm trapped in my own hell and i can't get put" i start shaking and crying, all of my emotions just coming out

i'm angry, sad, frustrated, i wish it was me that, that car hit and not Austin.

"hey, hey, Shhhh its okay, i've got you" Niall holds me and run's his large hands though my hair comforting me "where here for you Bek, always and forever okay, i'm sorry to say, but your stuck with us, and i can't promise you that you are never going to get hurt again, because you want honesty, and you probably will be hurt, heck we all will, but i can promise i will along with all the lads try to protect you from what ever might harm you, because this isn't just affecting you, what its doing to Liam and Louis, its heartbreaking, your friend and your brother are hurting because they can't help you"

"i think i know how to feel better Ni, i'm just scared"


thank you guys for reading xx

im sorry it was such a boring chapter i really am, post in the comments something you would like to see happen in the next chapter! xx


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