"A beggar. A thief. Another one of those starved, dying, homeless people."

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He was falling, falling faster and faster. Faster than the speed of light. Everything flashed past him at once, his life, his parents, and even farther back in time. Colours blinded his eyes, made him feel like he couldn't see anymore, and then it was black.

He sat up in his bed, sweating, panting loudly. Jennifer came running into the room. "What happened?!" Luke shook his head. "Just- Just a dream. Did I scream?" Jennifer came closer. "Yes, well, more like some sort of shriek, really. It was terrifying." He closed his eyes. Why had the dream seemed so real? "I'm sorry Jennifer, I'll try not to do that again." She nodded. "It's okay. Maddy is getting your breakfast, and today you're going to be walking again. Alyssa has asked us to smuggle you out of the house in proper clothing, so that the two of you can be seen together. However, you must not be recognisable for anyone you know, because we don't want anyone knowing you're here. So, here's neat trousers, a blouse, a proper jacket, and a winter coat with hood. Pull it over your eyes when you see someone that might recognize you. I will go to help Alyssa now, put that on. I'll be back in ten. There's a hot bath waiting for you, wash your hair and everything. Be appropriately clothed when I return with Alyssa." Luke was still dazed from his dream, but he nodded and got up from the bed, while Jenny was leaving the room.

During his bath, he kept thinking about the dream. He'd been falling through everything. It was incredibly terrifying. He'd never remembered his dreams before, not even as a little boy. A knock on the door disturbed his thoughts. "Are you done? Alyssa is waiting!" Was he lucky? Yes. But he was still being bossed around, and he really wasn't used to that. He climbed out of the bath slowly. "Coming!" Five minutes later, he stepped into the room fully clothed. "Oh there you are, let me fix your hair." While Olivia was doing this hair, Maddy applied a little layer of brown powder on his face, giving him a regular tint. With a little bit of blush on his cheeks, his face looked the same - colour wise- as that of Alyssa and the others. "We've gotten you high shoes, so with a little platforn underneath, so that you look taller. It's only about three centimeters, but it might help. Also, this scarf has to cover your mouth so no one will know your voice." Luke grinned. "Seriously? I'm not wearing that scarf. Can't I just keep my voice down? How important is it that no one sees me? Seems a little exaggerated to me..."

Alyssa began to get angry, her cheeks turned a bright pink, but calmed down quickly. "In that case, don't wear the scarf. Jen, it's okay. Get him into that coat, I'll meet him in twenty minutes, around the corner. Olivia is coming with me. Maddy, is mother abed?" Maddy nodded. "I just checked on her, she's sound asleep." Alyssa walked out of the room, and Maddy followed her. "I'm going to see dad to tell him I'm going for a walk. If any trouble might come from that, I'll send Jennifer to tell you. I can't keep talking to dad for more than five minutes, so make sure you're outside by then." Her father was in his study. "Hello, father." Lord Harrison looked up from his papers. "Oh, hello Alyssa. Is there a problem with your mother?" She smiled sheepishly, but shook her head. "No, mother is fine. Or at least, as fine as she'll ever be, she's asleep. I just came here to talk with you. I hadn't seen you for a long time, and I know you'll be gone again soon, so I wanted to spend some time with you. I asked Olivia to bring some tea, and afterwards I will be going for a walk. But I'm not in a hurry, so tea is first." Olivia brought in the tea immediately after she'd spoken those words.

Her father was looking at her more confused than ever, but eventually he smiled and gestured at a chair. "Sit down then, my dear. Who are you taking on this walk? You're not going alone, are you?" She shook her head. "I asked Maddy, Jennifer and Olivia to accompany me. I might go to see Jonathan Thomas-Brown as well, he might like to come with me." Her father beamed at the mention of Jonathan. "I bet he will, my dear. You shouldn't walk alone though, so keep your servants with you. Do you like Jonathan?" She shrugged. "He's a nice man, but he is a bit too old for me, and lots more sophisticated than I am. I don't mind him, though, and I don't really know who else to ask with me on a walk." The answer displeased her father, but he didn't say anything about it. "That is good. You shouldn't spend all your time with your maids. You need a friend, I think, but someone of nobility. I will ask around if any of my acquaintances has a daughter of your own age."

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