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Her name was Gabriella Quintanilla. She was a senior in high school. She had all the looks, all the boys, the popularity, the clothes, and even the grades. And in no way was she ignorant of any of these things--quite the opposite. She knew that she was above average in most categories of life, and had no problem reminding people of that fact.

I didn’t like her. I wanted her to die. I imagined dark fantasies of the light fading from her eyes right before my own, her pleading for me to spare her life. And in my fantasies, I wouldn’t listen and I didn’t care. She had tortured me for five years and I was utterly sick of it all. Sick of her.

My dark fantasies came very close to coming true--but not by my doing. And I had to be the one to save her. Her fate, her life, rested in my hands. I had to make a choice between what was right and what was wrong. And the scary thing was, I was tempted to make the wrong choice.

But I didn’t; in the end, I chose to save her, because, even though she had done all those things to me, she did have a heart. A soul.

Everyone deserves a second chance.

****WOW you made it to the end! That's awesome! I'm happy you took the time to read :) It really means a lot to me!

SOOOOooooOOO? I gotta know---did you guess? Did you guess the bad guy?? Were you surprised??? Ah! I must know! Tell me TELL ME! xD

For anyone and everyone that read all the way through, YOU ARE MARVELOUS (and we are now best friends. No choice.) ********

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